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13 Heartwarming Christmas Quotes & Poems to Make Your Spirits Bright

13 Heartwarming Christmas Quotes & Poems to Make Your Spirits Bright

When I think of the spirit of Christmas, I think of something far greater than a set of beliefs. I think of what brings people together in a “conspiracy of love.” Read these Christmas quotes and poems to remember what really matters. Like friendship and food, and everything that feels like home.

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Needing Nothing: A Poem Embracing the Unknown

Needing Nothing: A Poem Embracing the Unknown

It’s true: the more I learn, the less I know. Also true: it’s OK not to have all the answers. It’s actually freeing, maybe even a tad magical. Embracing the unknown might be one of the most freeing practices you could ever journey through. This poem is a gift of space, if nothing else — always leave room for wonder.

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Hero Poem, Honoring Those Who Made a Difference

Hero Poem, Honoring Those Who Made a Difference

“If you wake up breathing, it’s a good day!” Said the guy who was sick his entire life. That guy (my dad) is my hero and today would have been his 62nd birthday. Read this hero poem to celebrate that brave person you’ve been blessed to cross paths with, the one who made your world a little bit brighter.

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How My High Performance Coach Can Change Your Life (For Real)

How My High Performance Coach Can Change Your Life (For Real)

How amazing would it be to finish that thing you’ve been working on (or thinking about starting) for, what feels like, ever? To speak your mind and do what lights you up? You’ve got to know about my high performance coach! I mean it when I say she can help you change your career, health, relationships, life. I'd know.

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A Courage Poem for Souls Braving Through What They’re Going Through

A Courage Poem for Souls Braving Through What They’re Going Through

Courage, to me, means that you show up anyway. Regardless of doubt, insecurity, and fear. No matter how many times you’ve been forced into despair before. This is a courage poem to honor that struggle and the strength still left, even when you’re not sure how you can keep going.

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A Note on Healing Through Writing & the Therapeutic Power of Words

A Note on Healing Through Writing & the Therapeutic Power of Words

The words we choose to document our lives — those we read, those we write, those we speak to ourselves and others — influence what we hold as truths. I have a little note (and a poem) for you on healing through writing. I’ve learned firsthand that putting negative experiences into words has positively profound effects.

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3 Positive Morning Affirmations to Keep You Peaceful & Powerful

3 Positive Morning Affirmations to Keep You Peaceful & Powerful

Waking up with peace in your heart is easier when you have a morning ritual in place that invites peace. Reading positive morning affirmations is one such ritual. It’s a simple practice, really. That’s why I’m sharing something special with you today: it’s from my new book, Morning Affirmations!

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