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20 Quotes about Sharing Your Story, Baring Your Heart & Healing Hurts

20 Quotes about Sharing Your Story, Baring Your Heart & Healing Hurts

Sharing your story is heart work. It's not easy work, but it might be the most important thing you’ll ever do. Read these quotes to remember how much your story matters. You're here to feel it, live it, tell it. And whatever you share might be what helps someone else heal, too.

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Sharing Is Daring: Notes on the Healing Power of Vulnerability

Sharing Is Daring: Notes on the Healing Power of Vulnerability

The more we tell the truth about what we’ve gone through and are still going through, the easier it is to trust ourselves. I think that’s because sharing is daring to discover who we can be beyond any one story. Bearing your heart and soul: that’s one of the bravest ways to heal and grow.

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Feeling Is Healing: 5 Handwritten Notes Affirming Your Freedom to Feel

Feeling Is Healing: 5 Handwritten Notes Affirming Your Freedom to Feel

Feelings are guides and, in that way, gifts, but their messages often go way deeper than what we initially read into. That feeling is speaking some truth and it’s meant to be experienced, just don’t confuse it with who you are. Feeling is healing and it’ll grant you access to deep wisdom, and here are a few ways how.

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Self-Care Books to Help You Rest, Rise & Shine (P.S. I wrote them!)

Self-Care Books to Help You Rest, Rise & Shine (P.S. I wrote them!)

If you want to contribute yourself to the world in a meaningful way, nourishing yourself is NOT an option: it’s a necessity. That’s why you’re here. That’s also why I’m sharing the NEW self-care books written by yours truly. This is your reminder to be a friend to yourself. You are healing. You are powerful.

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13 Quotes to Help You Honestly Embrace the Mystery

13 Quotes to Help You Honestly Embrace the Mystery

Do you ever look out at the night sky and just… wonder? Have you ever faced one of life’s great mysteries, or even just starting all over again, and felt curious instead of afraid? Read these quotes to help you embrace the mystery. All the mess, all the magic, everything in between.

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Mystic Healing Hot Oil Self-Massage Ritual: For Better Sleep & Feelings

Mystic Healing Hot Oil Self-Massage Ritual: For Better Sleep & Feelings

Rituals don’t need to be expensive or time-consuming. That’s why I’m sharing a super easy self-massage ritual with you today. You’ll need only two ingredients: 1) kindness and 2) a new favorite product of mine: Mystic Healing Hot Oil. It’s divine. Try it before bed or whenever you need a moment of peace.

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In This Moment: 5 Relaxing Affirmations for Meditation

In This Moment: 5 Relaxing Affirmations for Meditation

Do you need some help meditating? Try reciting a meaningful phrase (sometimes called a mantra) - it's an ancient practice for reigning in the wandering mind. And it works. So, here are 5 easy-to-remember affirmations for meditation, inspired by my own practice.

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15 Quotes about Intentional Living for Deeply Felt Connections

15 Quotes about Intentional Living for Deeply Felt Connections

Intention turns a routine into a ritual. It infuses meaning into otherwise mindless habits. It’s about slowing down and showing up for whatever's showing up for you, about living a life that matches what your heart's telling you it needs. Read these quotes about intentional living and reconnect to what matters- to you.

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