Feeling Is Healing: 5 Handwritten Notes Affirming Your Freedom to Feel

Feelings are guides and, in that way, gifts, but their messages often go way deeper than what we initially read into.
That feeling is speaking some truth and it’s meant to be experienced, just don’t confuse it with who you are.
Feeling is healing and it’ll grant you access to deep wisdom. Here are a few ways how...
How Feeling Is Healing, for Real
1. Tears clear the way (and water the soil) for new growth.
You don’t need to apologize for tears. You need to release. You need to let the sky unleash the energy stored up in its clouds. You need to renew.
Tears aren’t messengers of shame but rebirth. Your soul needs watering from time to time — more often during seasons of change, growth, cultivation.
2. Courage is showing up for whatever’s showing up for you in this moment.
There is no healing quite like what happens when a soul becomes willing to sit with itself.
Take this poetry print home with you!
3. Feeling means you’re still alive and it’s still your turn to experience the universe.
You weren’t born to be untouched by life. You came here because the universe longs to experience itself through you.
If you learn to sit with and tolerate more pain than you ever thought you could, you’ll give the deep, core pain what it’s asking for: validation. With this application of attention and love, the pain can unravel and the wound can heal.
“Hold both your painful feelings, and your deeper sense of belonging, in your spacious, generous heart.” — Hiro Boga
4. A deeply felt experience of life elicits intimacy with the present moment, with your beating heart and its unfathomable wisdom.
When you feel your feelings, you reveal what’s calling for healing. You answer the plea. Then you might even begin to feel the ceaseless peace and untouchable truth: that all is well, even when it really doesn’t seem like it.
You go one floor below the ground level of your experience, and life reveals to you something eternal: it only knows this one moment, this one breath, this nearly indescribable beauty of existing at all.
You can feel the timeless, boundless joy, the miracle of being alive, not just by rising above your experiences but by feeling deeply into them and making contact with the stillness underneath the pain.
5. Feeling your feelings is experiencing life as it evolves, which makes you more wholly alive.
As the geometry of your life changes, your heart needs tending.
It’s okay if your puzzle pieces don’t quite fit the way they used to, if your go-to practices for feeling better aren’t working wonders anymore — life is change. You are life. And you are allowed to change, over and over and over again.
Your heart doesn't need a picket fence around it to feel whole again; it needs an unobstructed view of the horizon. It needs to be touched by life — all of it. An open heart hurts, and then it heals.
. . .
Tell me…
Which of these reminders did you need today?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
All love,
P.S. On the hard days that leave you feeling battered and empty and not able to relax, open up a page in my healing book, Sleep Affirmations, and be reminded of what's inside... a deep core of peace. You can't lose that.
Comments on this post (2)
You’re welcome, Kathi. All your feelings are allowed to take up space <3 ~ Jen
— Jennifer Williamson
— Kathi