Heart Conversations Poem: The Full Version

Today I wanted to share something I wrote years ago that still rings true.
A standalone verse that you might've seen circling the internet:
I have not heard your voice in years,
but my heart has conversations
with you every day.
I call it Heart Conversations, an ode to the intimate dialogue that carries on after someone we love dies. I created an art print from this verse because it's been so helpful to so many people over the years.
I thought it was time to revisit this poem and that conversation.
May the love we've shared be the love we carry forward, in our hearts and in the world.
Heart Conversations Poem: The Full Version
I watched the candle burn with not a thought
in my mind.
But of course, there you were.
It wasn't until years later that I knew
the candle I lit for you,
and the fire in my heart -
that's you, too.
I touch the trees because I like to think,
that we breathe the same space,
that our lives have come
from the same exact place.
I feel the source there at the edge of my hands,
and it makes me wonder how close we are.
How close we have always been.
Sometimes on my way to bed at night,
when I look in the mirror, in my own blue eyes,
I think I see you
looking after me.
I've wondered how there could
ever be
a room you could not enter.
I have wondered so
many things,
with you, at the center.
About the steps I've taken and
About the promises kept and
the memories I've saved.
As I water the plants and watch the sky change.
As I set the table and fret
over a new picture frame.
I have not heard your voice in years,
but my heart has conversations
with you every day.
. . .
Tell me:
How can you relate to this poem?
Tell me in the comments. I'd love to know.
With warmth,

Comments on this post (10)
I had never seen the full poem, but had run into the excerpt you highlighted at the beginning of your post. We framed it on a fireplace mantle at our wedding with our “in loving memory” names of those we wished were in attendance. The irony is, we lit a candle in memory of each person we had lost. And then, I came across this full version, and it talked about candles. The goosebumps I experienced…
— Rebecca
Thank you for this heartfelt poem. I lost my mom in September of 2022, and my dad in 2018. My divorce was finalized in 2020 after twenty years of marriage. I have had a lot of losses in quick succession. I have been having a tremendously hard time with grief and anxiety. I found your healing affirmations on Pinterest and then came across your blog. Thank you for your beautiful words of support.
— Madhavi R
I lost my sister in 2003 my grandmother in 2010 and my mom in 2013.. I sometimes see my sisters beautiful face in clouds or photos i take at night. I have saw my mom a couple of times. I talk to them constantly as i dont know how to lwt them go.. I honestly am scared if i let go i will forget them
— Ramona DeLaCruz
So strange I heard just a clip of your poem on someone’s status today, brought sad sweet memories of my Mom and Sister and how I miss them, lovely to read the whole poem, thank you 🤗
— Jill
Lost my older sister due to COVID complications 27th August 2021… This poem is exactly how I feel. It’s not sad or anger or even pain. It’s the memories saved, the conversation we kept and we’ll never have again. Do I miss her? How can I miss her if she is always on my mind and heart. It’s the unspoken words what makes you think and feel this void deep in you.
— Carina
Jackie, it is the hardest thing. May you feel his warmth and be surrounded by the compassion and support of others.
— Jennifer Healey
I lost my husband in September 2021 and it is hard
— Jackie blair
Natalie, thank you for sharing, for your open heart. Sending you all my love and warmth. May you feel her love always.
— Jennifer Healey
Love this thought and your poem so much. I lost my mom to Covid almost a year ago. Your poem brought me comfort. Thank you. I hope you’re doing well. I am loving your blog.
— Natalie Wheeler
Your poem is so beautiful.
It’s nice to know where that print came from…
So beautiful too.
— Jim