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21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions with Integrity and Love

21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions with Integrity and Love

When you make decisions from a place of love, awareness, and integrity, they're decisions you can be proud of.

The more you love your decisions, the less you need outside approval for how you live your life. The better you feel, inside and out. The easier it is to heal.

Along the way I've learned that healing happens -- most anything important happens -- one decision at a time. And everything almost always circles back to your relationships -- with others and with your own self.

The prompts here are inspired by my coaching sessions with my dear friend, Jen Pearce, who's a certified High Performance coach through Brendon Burchard. She's helped me through my ups and downs with Healing Brave, and with my own personal healing process.

Our most recent sessions about integrity, gratitude and love were eye opening for me.

“Integrity is kept by everyday choices we make about how we show up, treat others, and stay true to our deepest values and highest aspirations.” (Brendon Burchard)

For any kind of change you want to make in your life, even if you don't know what that change would be, these prompts speak to that.

Because your relationships are everything, and your decisions are your future.

Use these questions and prompts to help you identify the practices that’ll keep you true to who you are and how you want to show up in life.

Use a journal and give yourself the time and space to reflect on your values... so you can act with intention when it's most important.

When you make decisions from a place of love, awareness, and integrity, they're decisions you can be proud of. Use these questions and prompts to help you identify the practices that’ll keep you true to who you are and how you want to show up in life. Use a journal and give yourself the time and space to reflect on your values.

21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions You Can Be Proud Of

1. What does living with integrity mean for me at this stage of my life?

2. What are my values? At least three of them are...

3. What kind of a person do I want to be for others?

4. Something I can commit to now that would truly represent my values and how I want to show up in the world is…

5. What would I have to start doing now so that in 10 years I feel like I just had the best decade of my life, living my full truth?

6. A practice I can begin to help me pause before making decisions is…

7. A reminder I could say to myself before I’m tempted to promise something that I’m not sure I can commit to is…

8. A reminder I could say to myself before I’m tempted to respond to anger with anger, to fear with fear, to negativity with negativity is...

9. The best thing I could say to myself during times of conflict to remember to treat others with respect is…

10. If I could hear people’s criticism without taking it personally or slowing my progress, then I’d have to say this phrase to myself when they’re criticizing me…

11. A practice I can begin to help me let go of negative emotions and return to a state of peace is…

12. If I realized I was just like everyone else and just as GOOD as everyone else -- that we all struggle but have so much potential -- then when in social situations I would finally be more likely to...

13. If I could describe the ideal kind of joy I want to feel in my daily life, it would feel like…

14. The best practice I have for remembering to be grateful for life is to…

15. If I was truly grateful for life right now, a decision I would make from that place of gratitude is…

16. I need to have more consistency in these areas of my life…

17. I would be much more consistent if I let go of the following doubts or excuses…

18. The people who need me to take more consistent action are… and what they need from me now is…

19. The things I can start doing now in my life so that I don’t experience regret later on include…

20. The things I want to be satisfied about at the end of my life are…

21. Real courage in my life would mean that I… and real passion would mean that I...

. . .

Tell me:

Which of these prompts got you thinking about how you want to show up in your life? How do you want to show up?

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know how you feel about this!



P.S. Want these kinds of posts in your inbox? Sign up for Tuesday emails and you'll also get my Healing Brave Manifesto, totally free.

When you make decisions from a place of love, awareness, and integrity, they're decisions you can be proud of. Use these questions and prompts to help you identify the practices that’ll keep you true to who you are and how you want to show up in life. Use a journal and give yourself the time and space to reflect on your values.

Comments on this post (5)

  • Nov 16, 2020

    Great to hear good word to really think about so life can take you in a positive direction now and in the future thank you

    — Denice

  • Sep 28, 2020

    Jim, I am so grateful these could awaken some questions in you, even if you don’t have the answers to them all. It’s okay to let those questions marinate and to reflect. Thank you for reading and for being here.

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 28, 2020

    Denise, I am deeply sorry for the loss of your friend in such a tragic, heartbreaking way. My heart is with you. It is the most difficult reality I have had to face myself, why this person who was so incredibly beautiful and alive would take away the life and light they were. May her light still shine within and through you. x

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 28, 2020

    I don’t have answers to everything on your list but reading it helps me put things in better perspective, as does your beautiful art print “Take care of this moment.” Thank you again for all that you do. Sincerely,

    — Jim

  • Sep 28, 2020

    Thank you and prayers.
    Still struggle thru the whys to my friends suicide. I know she was wired differently Like to be in control of everything and Loved Jesus. But the emptiness her husband has, family, friends and me will never be answered. I guess I need to Trust God.

    — Denise M Hannig

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