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16 Affirmations to Get You Through Hard Days

16 Affirmations to Get You Through Hard Days

By giving meaning to hardship through words, you can structure a life around your values, your strengths, and your intentions. You get to choose how you show up. I created these affirmations to help us fully inhabit ourselves and our more difficult experiences, so we can tell a story of strength and perseverance.

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The Gift of Self-Care When You're Grieving

The Gift of Self-Care When You're Grieving
Trying to take good care of yourself while you're grieving is no small act of kindness. It is, rather, a very large gesture of respect not just for yourself as you process your grief, but for the people you've lost and for the people who are still here. Continue reading

May You Be Free // A Prayer for Peace Wherever You Are

May You Be Free // A Prayer for Peace Wherever You Are

This is a prayer for peace for all of us who've known the power of grief and the balm of friendship, who've been touched by the hands of despair but who still choose life. Wherever you are now -- wherever you've been and wherever you're going next -- may you open your heart to the freedom that's still available to you, whatever it is you decide that freedom means for you.

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Let Yourself Be a Process, Too

Let Yourself Be a Process, Too

Letting yourself not just navigate this season, but seeing yourself as inherently part of that process is a radical way of looking at life. It changes almost, if not every single thing. It's a way to find your footing in the world and in this moment, a matter of forgiving yourself and the past enough to move forward.

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11 Affirmations for Mood Swings

11 Affirmations for Mood Swings

Before anything else, it’s okay to admit you’re not perfect or good all the time. It’s okay to admit that some days, weeks, and seasons are much harder than others. Hiccups are part of life. So are you. When you feel as volatile as a storm, try using these affirmations for mood swings. So you can get on with your life.

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Words of Strength When Things Don't Go Your Way

Words of Strength When Things Don't Go Your Way

When I was in my lowest place, that was sacred ground. Thinking about how desolate I felt being in that place, it reminds me that I’m a much stronger version of myself only because of the weakness I’ve felt. May these words of strength help you see that you, too, can bloom from nearly anything.

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11 Powerful Quotes about Healing from Trauma

11 Powerful Quotes about Healing from Trauma

Coping with trauma, what happened in you in response to what happened to you, is a tall order. Especially when you’re coping by trying different ways to heal it rather than hide it. If you’re one of those trying, I bow to you, and I share these quotes about healing from trauma with you, because of who you've become.

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Burn Your Thoughts: A Candle Gazing Ritual for Letting Go

Burn Your Thoughts: A Candle Gazing Ritual for Letting Go

Here’s an enchanting candle gazing meditation that’s easy to do and doesn’t require a whole lot from you. It’s from my book Sleep Rituals, reworked and given an appropriate name: Burn Your Thoughts. Give yourself that mental space — to clear away whatever isn’t letting you be fully in the moment, or fully in your life.

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"This Being Human Is a Guest House"

"This Being Human Is a Guest House"

This poem you're about to read is what inspired me to say: greet every experience like a chance or a teacher, if not a friend. Even sorrow has its light, beautiful things grow out of the worst times. Just ask anyone who's known loss, and who's taken that pain and used it for their own betterment, or in service to others.

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A Sensory Cloud Meditation for Inner Peace

A Sensory Cloud Meditation for Inner Peace

A cloudy day is the perfect chance to meditate on the miracle of your own being here. No matter how old you are, there’s a certain wonder and lightheartedness in watching the clouds drifting through the sky. To rekindle your interest in the world above you, try this cloud meditation. Keep looking up and you might just see that you too, can let the light shine through. That you too, have an influence on the world.

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