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Letters from the Sky: A Spiritual Writing Exercise for Hope & Strength

Letters from the Sky: A Spiritual Writing Exercise for Hope & Strength

You’re beautifully entangled with everything. With everyone you love. When you feel it, life is better than good. But, of course, it doesn’t always feel like it. Life can be HARD, confusing, chaotic. Here’s a spiritual writing exercise to get you out of your own head and into your heart.

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A Courage Poem for Souls Braving Through What They’re Going Through

A Courage Poem for Souls Braving Through What They’re Going Through

Courage, to me, means that you show up anyway. Regardless of doubt, insecurity, and fear. No matter how many times you’ve been forced into despair before. This is a courage poem to honor that struggle and the strength still left, even when you’re not sure how you can keep going.

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12 Calming Affirmations When You Feel Tense, Angry or Anxious

12 Calming Affirmations When You Feel Tense, Angry or Anxious

Anything can happen in one day. You can feel better in one day; you can gain clarity in one day. Try this sequence of calming affirmations to help you turn frustration (anger, anxiety, fed-up-ness) into positive momentum. You don’t need to fake being positive, either: you work with the energy you have first.

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15 Affirmations for Anxiety to Realign with What Feels Good

15 Affirmations for Anxiety to Realign with What Feels Good

Confidently affirming something positive counters destructive and worried thoughts—the ones that are, way more often than not, inaccurate. Equip yourself with one or a few of these affirmations for anxiety to help you transform painful thoughts into productive thoughts—the kind that make the best use of the present moment.

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4 Affirmations to Trust Your Journey (and Yourself)

4 Affirmations to Trust Your Journey (and Yourself)

Trust me: I understand what it’s like to not know which direction is the right one, especially when there are so many directions calling your name. That’s why I wrote these affirmations to help you trust your journey, from one heart to another. Each one is a reminder that you ARE the journey, ultimately.

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An Empowering Affirmation for Stress-Relief and Self-Mastery

An Empowering Affirmation for Stress-Relief and Self-Mastery

Read this affirmation for stress-relief if you're having one of those days. If you forgot that you're more powerful than the negative thoughts you think. Also a fact: most of the things you worry about never happen, and if they do happen, you can make it through them.

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Happy Birthday, Dad: I Wrote a Book

Happy Birthday, Dad: I Wrote a Book

Today, my dad would've turned 61 and I would've bought him donuts and made coffee for us both. Instead, I’m sharing some good news in honor of him: I wrote a book! If you love sleep, too, and healing better, and not taking all your worries to bed with you, read this. I made something for you.

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4 TED Talks on Anxiety to Inspire How You Heal and Feel

4 TED Talks on Anxiety to Inspire How You Heal and Feel

If your head could use some fresh air, watch these TED Talks on anxiety. They'll help you embrace life for what it is, and yourself for who you are. You might even find something new to embrace: a new life, a new hope, new energy. And since we're all connected, all here together, when you heal, the world heals with you.

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