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Burn Your Thoughts: A Candle Gazing Ritual for Letting Go

Burn Your Thoughts: A Candle Gazing Ritual for Letting Go

Here’s an enchanting candle gazing meditation that’s easy to do and doesn’t require a whole lot from you. It’s from my book Sleep Rituals, reworked and given an appropriate name: Burn Your Thoughts. Give yourself that mental space — to clear away whatever isn’t letting you be fully in the moment, or fully in your life.

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Mantras for Honoring Mother Earth (and Yourself)

Mantras for Honoring Mother Earth (and Yourself)

I think it’s important to fall in love with the world as it is before you set out to make a difference in it. One of the best ways to do that is through the language you use every day. These mantras can be part of your meditations, but more powerful than that — they can be part of your everyday life. They can help you think in new ways, can bring you back to your own heartbeat on a stressful day. It's a practice of honoring the world around you and within.

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9 Grief Affirmations for Feeling and Healing the Difficult Emotions

9 Grief Affirmations for Feeling and Healing the Difficult Emotions

There’s a reason, a time and place for everything we feel. We hurt because it mattered. We grieve because we’ve loved. Being human means being awake to every season and storm we walk through, and finding what helps us get through “the worst” without giving up or turning to stone. See if these grief affirmations help you do that.

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Celebrating the Holidays After Loss (Ideas)

Celebrating the Holidays After Loss (Ideas)

If celebrating the holidays after loss is something you either struggle with or look forward to, here are a few ideas on how you can turn this into a season of moments dedicated to the beauty you’ve found because of the people you so miss. This season especially can be a devotion to the lives who’ve gone before your own. It can be a window into the love and bond you still share. A time to celebrate being alive is also a time to celebrate their lifetime.

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5 Native American Prayers for Peace

5 Native American Prayers for Peace

With everything that's happened this year, we could use some prayers for peace. We could do with some fresh air and some ancient wisdom: a little perspective. With respect for the people who came before us, whose words and ways continue to shine light on the mountains and valleys of life, these Native American prayers.

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21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions with Integrity and Love

21 Journal Prompts to Help You Make Decisions with Integrity and Love

When you make decisions from a place of love, awareness, and integrity, they're decisions you can be proud of. Use these questions and prompts to help you identify the practices that’ll keep you true to who you are and how you want to show up in life. Use a journal and give yourself the time and space to reflect on your values.

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A Sensory Cloud Meditation for Inner Peace

A Sensory Cloud Meditation for Inner Peace

A cloudy day is the perfect chance to meditate on the miracle of your own being here. No matter how old you are, there’s a certain wonder and lightheartedness in watching the clouds drifting through the sky. To rekindle your interest in the world above you, try this cloud meditation. Keep looking up and you might just see that you too, can let the light shine through. That you too, have an influence on the world.

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Beautiful Poetry and Quotes about Death and Dying

Beautiful Poetry and Quotes about Death and Dying

Thinking about death doesn't need to be something we live our lives avoiding. There's a great fear of dying, but if we talk about it, and listen, we'd hear the truth: that "mostly it is loss which teaches us about the worth of things." It's why I find solace in these quotes about death and dying, and hope you will too.

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4 Reasons Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol

4 Reasons Why I Stopped Drinking Alcohol

I never thought I'd say "I don't drink," but this past Sunday marked six months since I've had a sip of alcohol. The most surprising part of it all? I'm happier sober. And I don't say that lightly. I've dealt with depression most of my life. But after my brother committed suicide, I made it a priority to take care of myself.

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21 Mary Oliver Quotes about Nature, Beauty, Devotion, and Your Place in the World

21 Mary Oliver Quotes about Nature, Beauty, Devotion, and Your Place in the World

Often called the most beloved poet in America, Mary Oliver was the first name I had in mind when I decided to read more poetry this year. Her deep sense of wonder, natural imagery, and simple language pulled me in; the solace I found in her words kept me there.

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