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A Positive Affirmation to Step Into the Light, So You Can Heal

A Positive Affirmation to Step Into the Light, So You Can Heal

If you need more light today, read this positive affirmation. It'll pull you out of the dark and help you step into the light, and heal... one breath at a time. Use this affirmation to remember how resilient you are, how much potential you have, how stunning it is to be here at all.

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5 Favorite Morning Affirmations for Starting New, the Way YOU Want To

5 Favorite Morning Affirmations for Starting New, the Way YOU Want To

There’s a certain kind of magic in the morning, and it’s no wonder why: it’s the perfect time and place to start new. Start your day with these favorite morning affirmations. So you can feel the way you want to feel, before anything or anyone else has a say.

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21 Relieving Stress Quotes to Help You Grow Through This

21 Relieving Stress Quotes to Help You Grow Through This

What if you stopped trying to calm the storm, and focused on calming yourself first? The storm will pass anyway. Read these stress quotes to help you find and *bring* meaning into whatever you’re going through, so you can make something beautiful out of it. You're that creative, that powerful.

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40 Wayne Dyer Quotes about Your Power to Change

40 Wayne Dyer Quotes about Your Power to Change

The late Wayne Dyer remains a beloved pioneer in the personal development realm. He taught that the power of the mind creates your reality (or at least co-creates it). If you, too, want love to be your greatest gift to the world, read these Wayne Dyer quotes. They'll tell you how powerful you are.

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27 Letting Go Quotes So You Can Start Something New

27 Letting Go Quotes So You Can Start Something New

If you need more light today and help seeing how you'll make it through, read these letting go quotes. They're a breath of fresh air where you feel stuck, hope for something new when you think all hope is lost. So you can uncage your heart today and give more freely, and receive whatever it is you need.

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25 Self-Reflection Quotes to Help You Change & Grow, with Love

25 Self-Reflection Quotes to Help You Change & Grow, with Love

You rise above your fears by facing them, not by ignoring them. And you can do that because you’re not the fear or the thought or the pain: you’re the one looking at it. Read these self-reflection quotes. They’ll help you look at your thoughts and feelings without being trapped by them. It’s how you change anything.

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12 Positive New Year Intentions to Help You Feel the Way You Want to Feel

12 Positive New Year Intentions to Help You Feel the Way You Want to Feel

Forget lofty expectations. How do you want your life to FEEL? Imagine you’re already whole, enough, capable. Start there. You’re not lacking; you’re getting clear on who you really are. Then use these New Year intentions to start your year with a sense of freedom, joy, and hope. Take what you need.

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