A Positive Affirmation to Step Into the Light, So You Can Heal

If you need more light today, read this positive affirmation. It'll pull you out of the dark and help you step into the light, and heal... one breath at a time. Use this affirmation to remember how resilient you are, how much potential you have, how stunning it is to be here at all.
The Affirmation
Repeat this whenever you need it most...
On dark days I let the sun shine on my face.
If I feel weary and broken down inside, I imagine a seamstress of golden light connecting me to a deeper part of myself. And I feel a little more whole again.
Though I feel the pain, I’m not crushed by its weight. I’ve crawled through the darkness but something in me knows I can rise up again.
The sun is a daily reminder that I, too, can rise from the night and turn my sorrows over to the light. The sun shines through me and tells me that I’m more than the things that have happened to me.
All my wounds, kissed by the light, are turned into guides, gifts, and new strength.
Step Into the Light, So You Can Feel Whole
Let the sunshine be a constant reminder that you will not be crushed by the weight of what hurts. The light will fill all those cracks that you thought would break you.
Let it remind you that you're always whole, and always will be, because even when you feel broken inside, it just means something new can come in, and come through. Maybe that’s light, space, fresh air, new thoughts, another chance.
Every flower must grow through dirt, but the dirt doesn’t stop the flower from reaching for the light. You need the dirt to root you firmly in your humanness, your being here.
“The sun is a daily reminder that we too can rise again from the darkness, that we too can shine our own light.” – S. Ajna
You can rebuild, and you can heal, because you're more than the things that happen to you.
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Tell me:
Which of these thoughts did you need to read today?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!
With love,
P.S. Tell yourself the things you need to hear. Get my book Morning Affirmations for hope and possibility first thing in the morning. You'll get light right where you need it most.
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