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One Powerful Way to Get Out of a Rut & Practice Courage

One Powerful Way to Get Out of a Rut & Practice Courage

Feeling stuck? It's best that you keep it simple. Because the more you think you need to do, the less likely you'll actually do it. It’s easy to push off a big task, but if you break it down into small steps, you can get unstuck and get moving. Here's some inspiration to help you do that.

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A “Stream of Consciousness Poem” for Self-Inquiry & Living the Questions

A “Stream of Consciousness Poem” for Self-Inquiry & Living the Questions

Do things need to make sense to be meaningful? I don’t think so. This poem for self-inquiry is about not needing to know, about what it can be like to delve a little deeper into the questions without asking that they rearrange themselves into answers right away.

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An Empowering Affirmation for Stress-Relief and Self-Mastery

An Empowering Affirmation for Stress-Relief and Self-Mastery

Read this affirmation for stress-relief if you're having one of those days. If you forgot that you're more powerful than the negative thoughts you think. Also a fact: most of the things you worry about never happen, and if they do happen, you can make it through them.

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Happy Birthday, Dad: I Wrote a Book

Happy Birthday, Dad: I Wrote a Book

Today, my dad would've turned 61 and I would've bought him donuts and made coffee for us both. Instead, I’m sharing some good news in honor of him: I wrote a book! If you love sleep, too, and healing better, and not taking all your worries to bed with you, read this. I made something for you.

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5 Short, Sweet & Easy Meditations for the Holidays

5 Short, Sweet & Easy Meditations for the Holidays

Need help letting go of what you think this season should be like, so you can find more joy in it? Try these easy meditations. They're perfect for the busy seasons of life. No matter what’s going on or how long your to-do list is, there's space for peace right in the middle of it.

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