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5 Reminders to Be There for Yourself, So You Can Feel Whole

5 Reminders to Be There for Yourself, So You Can Feel Whole

What would it look like to be there for yourself? It might look like showing up for the heartache with a little more love than you’re used to giving yourself. It could sound like a sigh of relief after you’ve said “I think I might be enough.” Whatever it means, these poems are reminders that you’re not on your own.

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Grief Poetry: On Stitching Things Together Again

Grief Poetry: On Stitching Things Together Again

Love inevitably leads back to love. That usually (probably always) means that sorrow is going to get thrown into the mix. Love, however, doesn’t stop. It may seem like it stops, but it morphs and flows; it’s powerful, eternal like that. This small collection of grief poetry is a reminder that “again” happens too.

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Affirmations for Breathing: A Sequence to Calm Down Fast

Affirmations for Breathing: A Sequence to Calm Down Fast

“Just breathe” is good advice. To help you *just* breathe and totally disconnect from stress, read through this script of affirmations anytime you need more space and less chaos. Let these affirmations for breathing deeply and fully reconnect you with the ancient peace (and strength) you carry in your heart.

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A Poem for My Best Friend

A Poem for My Best Friend

I wrote a poem for my best friend for her 30th birthday this year and wanted to share it with you in case you wanted to share it with “your person.” Consider it a reminder: beautiful people don’t just exist—they are everywhere. You never know when you’ll run into someone who makes you remember what love really means.

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15 Quotes about Trusting the Journey (Because, Why Not?)

15 Quotes about Trusting the Journey (Because, Why Not?)

Since you're here right now, as you are, why not try trusting the journey? You don’t have to stay here forever, and you won’t. Change is already in the works. And when you bring joy to *this* moment, it's easier to find it in the next. Read these quotes and embrace what's coming... with less stress, and more wonder.

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30 Grateful Thoughts (In a Poem, for My 30th Birthday)

30 Grateful Thoughts (In a Poem, for My 30th Birthday)

On my birthday, this is my gift to you: 30 grateful thoughts in poetic form. It’s what I most love to write. Please enjoy (that’s my birthday wish). Note: I feel most creative when I'm grateful, and today that creativity came through as this poem. I hope you love it. I hope you love you.

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