19 Things You CAN Control (You're That Powerful)

If you meditate on the things you can control, you’ll naturally feel more in control. Feel more in control, and you radiate confidence and courage out into the universe. And the universe is listening…
“We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.” — William Arthur Ward
Honoring your innate power could mean:
- Trusting in your ability to create what you’ve never created before.
- Accepting that, yes, you actually can be successful in ways that would change your life.
- Saying “no” to things you’ve never been able to say no to before because of fear, insecurity, or doubt.
You're a powerful being. You can create what’s never been created before. You can figure things out. You can learn how to do things you’ve never done and how to say things you never had the courage to say before.
19 Things You Can Control Because You’re a Powerful Being
1. The questions you ask.
2. How often you listen to your intuition.
3. How devoted you are to standing in your own presence.
4. Whether you perceive others’ success as a threat or an indication of your own potential.
5. The amount of courage you’re willing to practice.
“The one thing you can control is how you treat yourself. And that one thing can change everything.” — Leeana Tankersley
6. How mindful you are of your breathing.
7. Whether you value progress over perfection and effort over outcome.
8. How often you say “no” to what isn’t a “hell yes.”
9. How big you dream.
10. If you practice accepting, appreciating, and loving yourself.
11. Whether or not you’re willing to forgive (even if you can’t yet).
12. How much power you place in the comeback.
13. Whether or not you believe in miracles.
14. How much you value your own happiness.
“I’m going to make everything around me beautiful — that will be my life.” — Elsie de Wolfe
15. How you define happiness, peace, and love.
16. What you prioritize.
17. How willing you are to understanding another point of view.
18. How genuine you are with your gratitude.
. . .
Tell me:
What’s on your list of things you can control?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!
With love,
P.S. Have a hard time believing you're enough or worthy of {insert whatever it is you need}? Get this reader-favorite poem as a handwritten print. Every time you see it, you'll remember just how enough you've always been.
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