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25 Brendon Burchard Quotes to Help You *Bring* the Joy

25 Brendon Burchard Quotes to Help You *Bring* the Joy

Stop waiting to live. Stop waiting for other people to make you feel better about your life. This is *your* life. If you could use some motivation today, read these Brendon Burchard quotes. The man's words will remind you how magnetic your energy is. And how much of a difference you can make, every single day.

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25 Reasons Why Life Is Beautiful and Worth Living

25 Reasons Why Life Is Beautiful and Worth Living

Whatever you think about it, life is beautiful. Even after things fall apart. Regardless of how things fall back together. You were given life. Don’t miss out on this chance. Read these words to help you honor the beauty inherent in every experience. That’s how you turn metal into gold, rubble into treasure, dark into light, pain into healing.

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A Soulful Poem about Life and the Beauty of Being Here, Together

A Soulful Poem about Life and the Beauty of Being Here, Together

If you want to *feel* like your life is one big miracle, read this poem about life. It's about you, and that place where you feel like everything is as it's meant to be. It'll remind you that you can be at home, wherever you find yourself. Because you're the whole universe, right here. What an incredible thing.

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11 Affirmations for Abundance to Make You Feel Supported & Enough (You Are)

11 Affirmations for Abundance to Make You Feel Supported & Enough (You Are)

If you're ready to live the way you want to live, no matter what happens and no matter what anybody else says about your life, read this. It's about you and your potential. These affirmations for abundance will help you tune into the support and guidance that's always with you.

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21 Life Lessons to Live By, So You Can Be in Love with Being Alive Again

21 Life Lessons to Live By, So You Can Be in Love with Being Alive Again

If you forgot how much of a gift it is to be here at all, read this. This is your life, after all. It should be full of wonder because the fact that you're here is the greatest miracle of all. Less stress, deeper love, a life that feels like your own... you deserve that much.

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7 Summer Affirmations to Help You Enjoy Your Own Company

7 Summer Affirmations to Help You Enjoy Your Own Company

It's hard to love your life if you don't get along with the person living it. If you want to make the most of this season, read these summer affirmations. They're fuel for your best intentions. Use them to water the flowers you want to grow, to live and love like you mean it. Life is better that way.

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30 Feel-Good Summer Quotes to Help You Enjoy the Season You’re Breathing

30 Feel-Good Summer Quotes to Help You Enjoy the Season You’re Breathing

If you want to turn your stress into something that feels lighter, read these summer quotes. They'll help you find the beauty tucked away in the nooks and crannies of your life. The kind of beauty that other people don't even notice. The kind that makes you stop and breathe, and fall in love with being alive again.

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5 Favorite Morning Affirmations for Starting New, the Way YOU Want To

5 Favorite Morning Affirmations for Starting New, the Way YOU Want To

There’s a certain kind of magic in the morning, and it’s no wonder why: it’s the perfect time and place to start new. Start your day with these favorite morning affirmations. So you can feel the way you want to feel, before anything or anyone else has a say.

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