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You Need to Appreciate the Process of Things (So Things Work Out Better)

You Need to Appreciate the Process of Things (So Things Work Out Better)

When you appreciate the process of whatever you’re striving for, you create a better outcome for yourself. Because the outcome is a result of how you get there. And the energy you feed into the process (joy vs. stress) has a say in how you feel when you get to its end. Feelings first, then journey, then destination.

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My Conscious Business Manifesto and a Free Guide for Yours

My Conscious Business Manifesto and a Free Guide for Yours

Dearest you. I know two things about you. 1: You want to make the world a kinder place (otherwise, you wouldn't be here). 2: You're creative (it's in your DNA, or bones, or something). If you're combining those two things, I have something for you: my business manifesto and a free resource to help you create your own.

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5 Handwritten Notes to Help You Stay Hopeful for the Future

5 Handwritten Notes to Help You Stay Hopeful for the Future

Hope isn’t wishful thinking when you decide to do something about your desire for something new. Even thinking about it is doing something about it — it’s the first step, the watering of the roots. I penned these quotes about staying hopeful because you’re already standing exactly where you need to be to get where you want to go.

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18 Desire Quotes to Inspire You to Contribute & Create with Intention

18 Desire Quotes to Inspire You to Contribute & Create with Intention

Don’t push away your greatest desires by labeling them a "fantasy” or "impossibility.” Hope (the belief in a brighter future) is real when your desire to create a brighter future rises above mere preference, and becomes a "must." Read these desire quotes to feed your need to make the world better, like only you can.

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It’s Okay to Start Small: 5 New Year Affirmations for Your Big Dreams

It’s Okay to Start Small: 5 New Year Affirmations for Your Big Dreams
The most frightening part of your dreams is the part right before you start. You don’t need to start with big and bold moves, though. You almost never need to start that way. Read and repeat these New Year affirmations to remind yourself, however many times you need to, that starting small is part of the experience. Continue reading

New Year, Open Heart: 11 Quotes to Awaken Real Hope for the Future

New Year, Open Heart: 11 Quotes to Awaken Real Hope for the Future

You know what gives me hope for the future? The generous strangers who pay it forward with no worry that you won’t do the same. The success stories that started at rock bottom. The doubts I’ve turned into the courage to try anyway. Read these quotes for the new year to keep that kind of hope alive in your heart.

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How My High Performance Coach Can Change Your Life (For Real)

How My High Performance Coach Can Change Your Life (For Real)

How amazing would it be to finish that thing you’ve been working on (or thinking about starting) for, what feels like, ever? To speak your mind and do what lights you up? You’ve got to know about my high performance coach! I mean it when I say she can help you change your career, health, relationships, life. I'd know.

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20 Quotes about Sharing Your Story, Baring Your Heart & Healing Hurts

20 Quotes about Sharing Your Story, Baring Your Heart & Healing Hurts

Sharing your story is heart work. It's not easy work, but it might be the most important thing you’ll ever do. Read these quotes to remember how much your story matters. You're here to feel it, live it, tell it. And whatever you share might be what helps someone else heal, too.

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