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Reflections on Grieving: A Universal Experience of Intimacy with Life

Reflections on Grieving: A Universal Experience of Intimacy with Life

I’m not sure that we’re ever ready for a loved one to pass away. Even after all this time, I am still not ready. Yet, these reflections on grieving are radiant with life because to have loved has turned out to mean: to have lived. What greater gift could I, my living soul, have asked for?

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5 Notes to Inspire Stronger Relationships

5 Notes to Inspire Stronger Relationships

When you shine, you’re not the only one who benefits. Shine, and you’ll give others a reason to shine too. Take care of yourself, and you send an invitation for others to do the same. Stronger relationships are forged from the loving acts we each take, privately within ourselves and out in the world.

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Note to Self: Real Self-Care Doesn’t Fill Your Schedule. It Fills YOU.

Note to Self: Real Self-Care Doesn’t Fill Your Schedule. It Fills YOU.

There are about 32184742 self-care tips out there. Honestly, there are probably way more than that. Real self-care doesn’t need to be another item on your checklist, though. It's not really about the thing. About what you do. It should be about HOW you approach all those other things.

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20 Bite-Sized Pieces of Relationship Advice, for Every Relationship

20 Bite-Sized Pieces of Relationship Advice, for Every Relationship

Friendship is a solid foundation for any relationship. Keep and carry this relationship advice with you to help you shine your light and be a blessing to others, especially when you'd rather not be nice. Showing up with love, whatever the occasion, is the best way to create a more loving world.

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Growth Through Suffering: The Light I’ve Discovered in Despair

Growth Through Suffering: The Light I’ve Discovered in Despair

What hurts makes you stronger? Maybe; it depends, really. Suffering is not something I would celebrate or suggest, but, as I’ve noticed is an underlying theme in life, there seems to be some good mixed with the bad. Some treasure in the ruin and the potential for growth through suffering.

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