An Open Letter to My Younger Self: You'll Make It Through

It’s not too late to be the person you needed when you were younger.
It’s never a wrong time to give yourself what you need.
If what you need is forgiveness for past wrongs or acceptance of who you are today or appreciation for how far you’ve come, this open letter is yours to read.
These are the things I wish my younger self knew, things you might be able to relate to.
“If you must look back, do so forgivingly.” — Maya Angelou
A Letter to My Younger Self
First things first, you’re going to make it through — through this, through everything.
No matter how terrible things seem, it’s not the end of everything.
If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
Now... right here, right now... this is yours. This is your life. The way things are right now? They won’t always be this way. Things are going to change, you are going to change. But whatever your life is in the moment, it’s yours to claim. So claim it.
Own your life. Make decisions you can feel good about. Claim every single breath you take. Embrace the moment and make it yours. Nobody else is going to do it for you. Nobody else can think for you, can love for you, can live in your place.
You must do your own believing, your own forgiving, your own living.
And this is how you live with little regret: you embrace everything you experience, even the things that don’t feel good. Because when you do that, you do what you came into this world to do: you come alive.
Every up and down, every tear and thrill. This life is yours and you have no reason to apologize for who you are.
There's a place and a purpose for everything under the sun, including you.
You don’t have to apologize for figuring yourself out. You don’t have to be like everyone else. You have your own place in the world, your own worth.
In all the millions of ways you can be told you're not enough, don't believe even one of them.
Exactly who you are is exactly who you're meant to be. Accept yourself now, and you’ll be amazed at the person you become.
Accept yourself here. Accept your life now. This is the secret to change and success and happiness — it’s hidden right out in the open, right in the present moment, right in your heart.
Sure, you’re going to stumble. And you’re going to learn. And you’ll grow and you’ll trip over your own feet long after you thought you had it all figured out. That’s okay. You’re in good company.
Some walks you’ll still have to take alone, but that doesn't stop you from being a child of this earth, with the soul of the whole universe in your lungs.
To be alive is a precious thing — don’t forget that and don’t minimize your own existence. Don’t doubt how important you are. You can’t even imagine how important you are.
But don’t take yourself too seriously, either, because nobody has it all figured out. (Even the ones who think they do.) Everybody has scars, is afraid of something, and wants more than anything to belong.
In fact, the more you learn the more you'll realize how little you know. That's the difference between knowledge and wisdom. If knowledge is power, then wisdom is strength.
One day you'll realize how much strength it takes to lean on others, how being vulnerable means being real, how forgiveness heals.
Pay attention to what heals you, and stay close to it.
When you're afraid to love again, go ahead and love one more time.
When you're afraid to ask for help, go ahead and ask anyway.
When life throws you down, consider it a privilege to stand back up again. Show the world how you turn pain into love, an ending into a beginning, darkness into light. Be your own rescuer.
Lastly, for now, know this: that it’s never too late to be who you might have been.
. . .
Tell me:
What's one thing you'd tell your younger self, if you could?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!
~ Jen
P.S. Want these kinds of posts in your inbox? Sign up for Tuesday emails and you'll also get my Healing Brave Manifesto, totally free.
Comments on this post (16)
Thank you, Nikki! I have reached out to the owner of that blog requesting a credit. :)
— Jennifer Healey
FYI you’ve been plagiarized at unless this is you in a different name.
— Nikki
if i could go back in time to have an interaction with my younger self i would slap myself in the face.
— Kal
Lee, I am glad this is something you can begin your journey with. The self-understanding and compassion that comes forth is powerful. Many blessings on your way. x
— Jennifer Healey
Thank you for the inspiration. It was suggested that I write a letter to the young Lee to be able to get through a weight loss blocker but I didn’t know how or where to start.
This will help me get that pen to paper and begin this journey to self healing. Your words have resonated with me and I now feel confident that I can do this.
Thanks again
Cheers, Lee
— Lee Carter
Don’t go to nether with diamonds !!!!!
— Kavya Patel
If I could, just speak once to my younger self, I would say:
As you grow up things will happen in life which will seemingly knock you backwards. You are not damaged, nor broken because of this. You are coping the best you can, as someone who is lacking the tools and support to deal with adversity in life. Nothing about you is a mistake. Sadness will embed itself in the lines of your face and in your movement. But do not let it weigh you down. Make sure to speak to someone, and share its’ load. And at the end of the day, when you feel weak and tired; Please remember that you are not alone
— B
Dear younger self,
Forgive, forget and move on. When life puts you in a box with only one way out, jump down. It is not the faith in the fall but the faith in the landing. Because the landing will help you fly tomorrow.
— Ching
Dear Jennifer
Thanks a lot for these wonderful and inspirational words, they touch my heart also my mindset…
You don’t know how your typing affected me. I really appreciate what you do for inspiring people in general .
Be fine and enjoy in your life .
With big love and peace/ Rana
— Rana
12-8-20 Tuesday
I’d LET MY inner child to be thankful FOR being alive & THAT SHE’S loved JUST THE WAY SHE IS. & THAT I’m HER NEW mom & 💘 Love HER FOREVER & ever!!!
— Jane Ellen Barron
Sherrie, your words are beautiful and they’re a light for myself (and anyone else who reads them) as we keep moving forward. It’s not easy to forgive – perhaps why it’s so moving, and so important. Thank you for sharing how this practice helped you. I plan on doing this more often from now on because it was so powerful for me, too. Take care. x
— Jennifer Williamson
I wrote a letter to my younger self a couple of days ago. It was the most emotional experience I have ever had. I needed to forgive myself for the missed milestones of life (childless for one) and the emotional and physical damage I inflicted on myself over the years. When I narrowed down the point at which I made the worst decision in my life, that’s the me that I needed to apologize to and forgive. Ultimately, 47 years of damage that needed to be addressed. It is my sincerest wish that I can finally rest my guilt and pain, and substitute it with forgiveness. Its hard to be kind to others when you have yet to forgive yourself. I have now. I regret that it took me so long, but I forgive myself for that too. I highly recommend a letter to one’s self.
— Sherrie
I am grateful for your friendship and support and the light you shine on everyone around you, Jim. Thank you.
— Jennifer Williamson
Don’t ever feel afraid as we are always here to catch you from falling and anyway my darling what if you fly. My precious butterfly we love you. Smile look after your own beating heart always.
God bless
— Mum
Your letter is beautiful…”We rebuild together.”
Thank you so much. Bless you.
Let the sunflowers grace you with their beauty as you grace them with yours.
— Jim
Wow. I’ve said this before. Amazing!
You are amazing.
You are a beautiful person in so many ways.
A writer, an artist, a cherished friend.
Your future is still to come.
Enjoy it. Live it. Love it.
The best you can.
— Jim