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10 Affirmations to Release Judgment, So *You* Can Be Free

10 Affirmations to Release Judgment, So *You* Can Be Free

Judgment is exhausting. All the energy we spend on judging could be spent on feeling good and making a positive difference. These affirmations take the focus off of the other person and places it back on you and *your* life. This is your LIFE, after all.

“The root cause of all judgment is the fear of not being good enough, not being worthy of love, and not being safe. When we become brave enough to look at the judgment and fear, we can begin to heal.” — Gabby Bernstein

Maybe, we judge because we don't feel great about ourselves. The real work, then, is to start with ourselves.

Read these affirmations to honor your own wounds. They'll help you see past the masks and into the hearts of others.

Freedom from judgment is the gift you give yourself.

10 Empowering Affirmations to Release Judgment and Get Back to Loving Your Own Life

1. Even though I keep judging this person, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.

2. I am willing to release judgment because I am ready to be free.

3. I am willing to foster peace in myself so that I can bring people into my peace.

4. I trade judgment for creativity. I think better and bigger.

5. I increase my energy by choosing to love rather than judge. I expand my energy by giving love, receiving love, and promoting love.

6. I treat people in pain with compassion, not more pain.

7. I send love to the people who need it most and clear the blocks that keep us apart.

8. I forgive so that I can feel better.

9. I am a loving person who contributes to a more loving world.

10. I am a role model for what I want to see in the world.

. . .

Tell me:

Which of these affirmations do you need the most today?

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!

With love,


P.S. Wake up with purpose beating in your heart every single morning, before anyone else has a say. Get my book Morning Affirmations for a life that feels good to YOU. The way it should be.

Comments on this post (7)

  • Feb 08, 2025

    I know I’m late to the game with this article but I’m very thankful I came across it. Judgment of others is my WORST quality and like the person said up above it’s keeping me stuck and small. I’ll apply these and free myself. Thank you!

    — Chrystal Dunn

  • Dec 30, 2022

    number 5 is my favourite! thank you

    — Sanj

  • Oct 31, 2021

    Hi Ayushi, I’ve written a ton of affirmations over the years that you can browse to find what works for you: – I also think the “I Am Enough” poem is a good start to reminding yourself of who you really are: :)

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Oct 31, 2021

    Can u pls tell me what are the affirmation i can say or any other solution for giving identity to myself.
    I try to give myself identity everytime whatever i try to know about myself!

    — Ayushi keshri

  • Oct 19, 2020

    These are just what I need, I have been searching for what has been blocking me and I came to the realization it’s judgement. Judgement is keeping me small, freedom from it will allow me to soar! Thank you.

    — M

  • Mar 29, 2020

    Sethuparvathy, start with the feeling experience of those words… it’s less of a visual and more of an emotional experience first. Then, maybe, images of what your life might look like, who’s surrounding you, and what you’re doing might come to mind. Who and what makes you naturally feel happy, strong, and brave?

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Mar 29, 2020

    How do visualise happiness, strength and courage?what pictures should come to my mind?

    — Sethuparvathy

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