I Am Of The Earth // A Poem

For some of us, we only have to go out into nature to find whatever it is our soul is missing.
If you're like me and find everything you need in a walk in the woods, this poem is for you. It's a way of saying, "thank you, I love you" to the beauty still left all around you.
I Am Of The Earth
I walk among trees and know each
for a friend.
I see a history and imagine
what secrets they keep,
what wisdom they'd lend.
To think I too can stand tall
in the wind, can be
still as a stone
or alive with the energy of the forest, its soul,
yet remain calm like the plants who are meditating
Roots easy in the soil,
face turned to the sun.
I too am a field of all possibilities.
I am part of this world,
I know how it is to flourish and to
wither, how to endure the seasons
and the storm,
how to travel far
yet remain unchanged in a most essential way.
I know in my own body the
movement of the waters of the
I think, yes,
a brother, a sister.
The love I have been given
washes over me, and
I feel as though I am the giver.
A single leaf, let free
joins the current,
joins my own reflection,
and as it drifts away
I imagine myself, at home,
like the passing leaf,
wherever I happen to be.
I too know the bittersweetness of change.
I walk into the woods and I think, yes,
There are times I feel as ancient as the fern,
as widespread as the moss
or weightless like the blackbird with
scarlet on his wings,
and I feel I know all the secrets
of the universe.
The world sings to me and I hear the song.
The winds carry messages that I can read.
My visions turn true,
my desires are cast far beyond words,
like the dandelion sets free her light, puffy seeds.
God speaks to me through the trees.
. . .
Tell me:
Where's your favorite place to go to in nature, where you go to feel better?
Tell me in the comments. I'd love you to share your thoughts with me here.
With you,
Comments on this post (10)
This is beautiful!
— Jordan
Will, you are absolutely welcome to use the lyrics to this poem in your choral composition. Please, reach out to me at jen@healingbrave.com with any questions and let me know how things go! I’d love to hear the piece as the project moves forward. It is an honor. Thank you.
— Jennifer Williamson
Hi Jennifer,
I found your poem I Am Of The Earth when i was searching for lyrics to compose
a piece for SATB choir and orchestra to be premiered next May 1, 2022.
What is the procedure for requesting permission to use your lyrics in a choral composition?
Note that this would remain in public domain, and not be sold in any way. (none of my works are “sold”, just free for non-commercial usage)
thank you for such a wonderful website and meaningful poetry.
Will Sherwood, AAGO, ChM
Director of Music, FIrst Unitarian, Worcester MA
— Will Sherwood
Nancy, people like you fill me up with hope! Thank you for being who you are and caring about the earth we call home. x
— Jennifer Williamson
Jim, it’s an honor. Love
— Jennifer Williamson
Thank you for this reverie, Wayne. x
— Jennifer Williamson
Thank you for your lovely blog posts! Your words bring comfort. I am always thankful to everyone who see the importance of preserving our open spaces and how much these spaces contribute to the well being of all.
Having a garden, having plants on our home and tending to them..growing what we can.. taking delight in sitting under a tree and walking under them..or planting a tree… watching it grow up through the years…all bring comfort and help our well being…as well as you do in your writing… Yes! Planting those seeds to replenish..❤️
— Nancy Effrig
Your poem is so beautiful. It transported my imagination to a wonderful, peaceful place I want to visit time and again. Thank you so much.
— Jim
I feel you fellow being. I resonate. In nature we are almost gurus to little things, except that we find that nature is the true guru. She teaches gently, and she teaches hard sometimes. It is always bliss. Ananda Hum. I am not whole without her. She is my very breath. We are teachers to those who are climbing up to us, as we are students of those who have gone before us, further along. This is nature. This is bliss. My forest walks are always here and now. Eternal bliss. They inform every cell in my body how to be, and welcome me home as the grass kisses my bare feet and the tiny flying ones come say hello. The trees greet me, and I greet them in deep respect. They are ancient and wise ones. They are patient and all-surrendering. They adapt and give. The bugs in my home are not pests. They are welcome visitors. I greet them. They are me. We are one. It’s obvious. I once went walking 1,000 km down the beach just to feel her kissing my feet and head. I am forever grateful. I love your connection. It is one.
— Wayne
Beautifully written! Thanks for sharing
— Jan