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13 Depression Affirmations to Keep Hope Alive

13 Depression Affirmations to Keep Hope Alive

In my opinion, if you have depression and you're still here living, doing what you can, you're not only a survivor -- you're one of the strongest people. For the times you don't feel very strong or worthwhile, keep these depression affirmations close to your heart.

Consider these something to hold on to when you've only got a thread of hope left... or what feels like none at all.

You can always change some words to match your experience; I wrote these according to my own.

But know this: while we're not the same person in every or most ways, we're the same in the most essential way.

At the core of you, under the struggle, within that darkness, there's something much more timeless and true than what you're going through.

Breathe into and from that place. Speak to and from this place. These depression affirmations might help.

If you have depression and you're still here living, doing what you can, you're not only a survivor -- you're one of the strongest people. For the times you don't feel very strong or worthwhile, keep these depression affirmations close to your heart. Consider them something to hold on to when you need more light.

13 Depression Affirmations for the Toughest Times

1. I am stronger than I feel. I am wiser than I think. I am more valuable than I know.

Take this affirmation print home with you.

2. I am part of everything and everything is part of me.

3. This darkness isn't who I am. These feelings aren't who I am. I am the timeless truth underneath everything.

4. I have depression, and I'm stronger than you'd think. There's a marathon in my head and a storm in my heart and an emptiness in my soul, and I'm still here. I am still here.

5. The universe wants to experience itself through me.

6. The way things are right now -- they won't always be this way.

7. I am a survivor.

8. Thoughts are passing clouds, and I am the sky. Feelings are falling leaves, and I am the earth.

9. I am dark and light, earth and sky. I am summer and winter, day and night. Blooming or not, I am the garden in all its stages. I am every phase of the moon, every turning of the tide, every dusk and its dawn. There's more to me than what I see. There is every season inside of me, and I have every reason in the world to be alive.

10. I am allowed to take up space.

11. I belong right here.

Listen to this meditation whenever you need more light.

12. Earth beneath me. Sky above me. Water within me. Air around me. I am okay.

Take this affirmation print home with you.

13. I'm not an island. I'm connected even when it feels like I'm on my own. My soul is woven into a network of dark and light, give and take, high and low. I'm made of the same stuff that makes the stars in the sky, that makes the maple tree grow, that makes the wind blow. I'm a walking miracle. I'm a breathing miracle.

. . .

Tell me:

Which of these did you really need today?

Tell me in the comments or send me an email. I'd love to hear from you.

In strength,


P.S. If you haven't yet, get my Healing Brave Manifesto (it's free) to inspire how you carry on, whatever you've been through.

If you have depression and you're still here living, doing what you can, you're not only a survivor -- you're one of the strongest people. For the times you don't feel very strong or worthwhile, keep these depression affirmations close to your heart. Consider them something to hold on to when you need more light.

Comments on this post (7)

  • Aug 10, 2022

    I’m so grateful you write this page of 13 Healing Affirmations!

    I’m a Life Coach & I will share this with clients, family, friends & myself as often as possible! I’ve lost two beautiful brothers to suicide. It’s my mission to soothe the silent pain others endure to help lower suicide rates. I see a future where no ene feels edged out, or forgotten.

    “I am allowed to take up space” is a prevailing thought I’ve had lately! There’s an intrinsic worth in each person’s being. Thank you, Jen @Healing Brave!


    Julie Klaass Westover

    — Julie Westover

  • Oct 29, 2019

    John, wow. That is beautiful. Thank you for inspiring me today!

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Oct 29, 2019

    When I’m depressed I just imagine I was just born. When I’m feeling bored I imagine that I just got to metropolis from a small corn town. When I’m sad then I start serving others worse off. When I stop believing in Gd then I just look at moon, space, the ocean, the grand canyon and so on. When I can’t get to work….I focus on who I am and who I love. When the world says I’m too slow then I tell them I like to kiss and eat slow.

    — John

  • Sep 20, 2019

    Josie, it can be so so hard. I know. Somebody said once, something like this: taking your own life doesn’t end the pain, it just spreads it around to everyone who loves you and is affected by you. That thought has kept me here when I didn’t want to be. There is always, always a chance to start new. To be new. To be and feel differently. Change can happen; chances are it will. I hope you know that even when you feel lost, hopeless and alone, there are people, like me, who understand and are there too. Together, we can make it through. Email me anytime ( I’m here, and I’m with you. <3

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 20, 2019

    Im depressed anD i almoSt cOme to the idea of ending my life. .but thinking of my familys tear, heartbreak. .i stop traying to find some ways, words thAt are closed to ease the pain that ive suffered now. .im hopeless but thanks to those words im still holding to it, hoping to recover soon, start a new life and live my life full of happiness.

    — Josie

  • Sep 18, 2019

    RuthAnn, I’m touched and so grateful that these affirmations can be part of your life right now. It’s my pleasure, and an honor, to share them. Thanks for writing me and letting me know <3

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 18, 2019

    Thanks Jen, a number of the affirmations are “just right” for me. Thank you so much for sharing and for sending light in the darkness.

    — RuthAnn

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