4 Small Ways to Spread Peace for a Better World

World peace just won't happen until we grow inner peace on an individual level. One person at a time. If you want to start building a better, kinder world from the inside out, here are four small ways to spread peace every single day. It's the best place to start.
“We need to take action to develop compassion, to create inner peace within ourselves and to share that inner peace with our family and friends. Peace and warmheartedness can then spread through the community just as ripples radiate out across the water when you drop a pebble into a pond.” – Dalai Lama
One of the best ways to spread peace in the world is to recognize your own capacity to bring peace into the little things you do every day.
Each small pebble you drop into the pond of humanity radiates out into the world with untold potential.
4 Ways to Spread Peace Today
1. Smile at strangers.
Every time you see someone without a smile, instead of thinking they need to cheer up, think about giving them your smile. They may not notice or seem to care, but you never know who needs that light. It might change their whole day.
“If in our daily life we can smile, if we can be peaceful and happy, not only we, but everyone will profit from it. This is the most basic kind of peace work.” – Thich Nhat Hanh
2. Start a gratitude circle.
This is similar to saying a prayer before a meal and offering up gratitude for the food on the table, and for the friends around the table.
It's simple: Each person, before enjoying the meal before them, gives thanks for something or someone in their day. This thanksgiving makes its way around the table (or circle) until everyone has expressed their gratefulness in some way.
Families can do this at dinner each night, during holiday gatherings, while sitting around a fire at night, or any other time that seems appropriate.
3. Bring an intention to your conversations.
You can bring more light into your relationships, just by showing up with higher intentions for them. Here's what that could mean...
When the conversations starts getting negative, you redirect to something a bit more positive (without shunning, shaming, or discounting the validity of the negativity). You simple try to steer the conversation in a helpful, productive way.
Instead of feeding the drama, gossip, or complaints, you can hold the intention to be a source of light for that other person: the person doing the gossiping or the one being gossiped about.
Help them see how far they've come, how much potential they have, what they have and can do from here. That's after, of course, you validate them for feeling the way they're feeling.
4. Meditate with a purpose.
Meditation helps you tap into a deeper wellspring of inner peace, one that’s unaffected by what's happening in the world. It’s a resource you can build and use to bring more peace into the world.
By strengthening our center of calm, meditation encourages us to connect with others in peace.
You can dedicate your meditations or yoga practice today, this week, or this month to a person or cause that needs support. It'll make you feel better, and you'll be better able to spread the peace you feel inside.
. . .
Tell me:
What helps you feel at peace?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Wake up with joy, hope, and purpose beating in your heart every single morning. Get my book Morning Affirmations to help you feel, and live, the way *you* want to. No matter what you see on TV. So you can contribute to the world you *want* to see.
Comments on this post (8)
Thank you for your message. I try to say hi to people all the time and I love it when it can cheer them up. I also just read a great book The Anatomy of Peace resolving the heart of conflict and I highly recommend it to all, to gain peace in the world.
— David
Wonderfully written! I have often noticed that the thing that makes people happiest is bringing a little smile onto the faces of others. Small acts of kindness can go a big way for others. So, doing these small things is what matters the most. After all, it is not the big but small things that make the greatest difference!
I always try my best to help others and in turn, it always manages to light up my day!
— Sofia Stathem
Earthworm Sally! I love that! Thanks for sharing xx
— Jennifer Williamson
I love this! Since I am always preaching peace, this is perfect for me! I always think: what’s the most peaceful way to do/solve this? Thanks! I love it!!
— Earthworm Sally
Hi Chloe, I couldn’t agree more with you – it’s SO hard to embody and BE the peace when we see so much pain and suffering and hatred in the world. It’s up there with some of the hardest things we could do. And it’s also up there with some of the most important things we could do. It’s change, it’s hope, one person at a time. Thanks for being one of those people too :) ~ jen
— Jennifer Williamson
Sometimes it’s so hard to show the peace in your heart when human nature can be so unpredictable and with the outer world caving in on you. All one has to do is understand loving-kindness and hold it close to their heart and as it was said, “Be kind to everyone for we are all fighting a hard battle.”. Especially in these times. It may seem hopeless to most, but with these things in my mind, nothing is impossible. Especially when love is the objective. Thank you for spreading peace and kindness as we all hope to do as well.
— Chloe
Sara, what a great experience that must have been! It feels like your father was right and you’re a peacemaker. I can feel it in your words. So glad you’re here with purpose, that you read this and resonate, and that you’re making a difference in the world. Thank you xo ~jen
— Jennifer Williamson
I want to spread peace and I agree have peace within and spread the ripple effect. I have had lunch with the dalai lama and his words resonate with me. My father said I was a peacemaker and I want to dedicate my life to it so I feel better and everyone else I meet feels better.I want to make a difference and change my life so people fall in love with me which is a healthy emotion xxthanks as ever to the dalai lama xx
— sara