I Hope You Find What You're Looking For ~ A Prayer-Poem

I don't know what you're looking for in your life right now, but I hope you find it. And if you don't find it, I hope you find something better than you could hope for.
Like most things here, this is part prayer, part poem, all love.
I hope it makes you smile today.
I Hope You Find What You're Looking For (A Prayer-Poem)
I hope you look for one thing and, by chance, find something else beautiful and true.
I hope when you look out over the earth, you see a friend and a home and a garden to tend to.
I hope when you look to the sky at night you see it like a mirror, and find the stars looking after you.
I hope that wherever you look, you see a piece of yourself in everything, and recognize in yourself an entire universe.
I hope you never get tired of waking up and loving the world all over again, even when it feels like a great risk to take.
I hope love is the greatest risk and the most rewarding thing you ever do, and that when you look for people to love, you don't forget to look in the mirror too.
But when your heart is heavy with the grief of what you once had, I hope you can think of a time and smile, and be glad, and feel under the weight of loss that it's still a gift to have ever loved at all.
I hope you find something unexpected right in the middle of your pain: strength that shocks you, compassion that humbles you, an ever-budding peace so ancient it changes you.
For all the questions you seek answers to, may there be at least one you learn to live into, and may you live better for it.
I hope the mystery enlightens you.
And in the end, I hope you find what you're looking for, especially when it's not what you set out to find.
. . .
Tell me:
What here did you need or love the most today?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!
~ Jen
Comments on this post (15)
Hi Ema, yes, you can certainly share this poem, thank you for asking. :) I just ask that you include my name as the author. Big hugs!
— Jennifer Healey
I ask permission to share this poem prayer
— Ema
Joanness, thank you!
— Jennifer Williamson
I hope you find something unexpected right in the middle of your pain: strength that shocks you, compassion that humbles you, an ever-budding peace so ancient it changes you.🥺🥺🥺
— Joanness Voss
I found your Ananda Hum thing. I am playing guitar to it, blissing out. thanks.
— wayne
I found on this day something to give someone I love …. I hope she finds in it something to smile for. The world smiles at u Jenny ur prayer-poem heals. Much love 😍
— Joanness Voss
Thank you Jennifer.. Very encouraging
— Kare
Vanessa, I’m glad you like to honor the mystery of it all, too :)
— Jennifer Williamson
Shelley, I am so grateful and touched that these words could help you find peace inside of your loss. It surely doesn’t take away the pain, but I’m glad it can help you turn it into gratitude <3
— Jennifer Williamson
This is such a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing. Reading these words – spoke directly to my spirit. xx
“I hope you find something unexpected right in the middle of your pain: strength that shocks you, compassion that humbles you, an ever-budding peace so ancient it changes you.
For all the questions you seek answers to, may there be at least one you learn to live into, and may you live better for it.
I hope the mystery enlightens you.
And in the end, I hope you find what you’re looking for, especially when it’s not what you set out to find."
— Vanessa
Jen ~ Thank you for this beautiful Prayer-Poem. My “heart has been heavy with grief” after losing my dog, Riley. She was with me for 15 1/2 years and I feel like a part of me is missing now. Your words “think of a time and smile” and “it’s a gift to have ever loved at all” help me turn my thoughts from sadness and grief to gratitude for all the time I was able to spend with her. I have been looking for a way to find some peace and your touching, inspiring words have helped me.
— Shelley
Brittney, thank you for sharing this! It made my day so much brighter :) I’m touched and honored that you loved this entire poem, and especially this line. Life is all light and darkness together, not usually one without the other <3
— Jennifer Williamson
Tami, I appreciate you <3
— Jennifer Williamson
I needed to read this entire poem but especially this….“I hope you find something unexpected right in the middle of your pain: strength that shocks you, compassion that humbles you, an ever-budding peace so ancient it changes you.”
You are a beautiful light in the darkness for many, illuminating the dark pain many are holding onto and allowing us to remember that it’s ok to feel it but to also see past it to the good in the world and the beauty that is around us. I truly needed to read this. As always, thank you!!
— Brittney
I found you, Jen Williamson
— Tami