The 3 Best Christmas Gifts That Money Can’t Buy

The best Christmas gifts carry more weight than gold and can’t be tied with a bow. Make this holiday season less about your presents, and more about the presence of your mind, heart, and soul. Give what really matters: your attention, your kindness, your appreciation.
The 3 Best Christmas Gifts That Cost Nothing and Mean Everything
1. Your presence.
Too much of life goes unnoticed and unappreciated.
When you're vitally aware, you can connect with others and yourself in a meaningful way. You get a better sense of the magic, the beauty, the joy that’s found only here.
"Presence is more than just being there." – Malcom Forbes
Give the gift of your sincere, undivided attention. Listen, really listen, without thinking about how you’ll respond; listen with the intention to understand, because people need to be heard: sometimes that’s all they need.
Have a real conversation, get curious about their story, hold loosely the roles of “helper” and “helped,” and meet them behind the roles, labels, and opinions.
Your sincere presence, your authenticity, is one of the best gifts you can give; your offering is to be with them.
2. Your kindness.
Many of us are fighting our own battles, some of us learning to live better. We don’t need to completely understand what someone else is going through to show compassion, support, or acceptance. We all know suffering, one way or another.
“For it is in giving that we receive.” – St. Francis of Assisi
Be an encourager; the world has enough critics already. Be a beacon of light that the world needs. The truth is, you never know much your kindness is needed.
3. Your appreciation.
Let others know how grateful you are for their presence in your life. Say, “thank you” and “I appreciate you” and “I love you.” It's one of the greatest gifts.
Life would lose its sweetness if we had no one to share our experiences with, so hold every opportunity you get to honor these connections with a grateful heart.
"Trade your expectation for appreciation and your world changes instantly." – Tony Robbins
Gratitude turns what you have into enough... and more. It eliminates the need to fill internal voids with material things. It shifts your focus from giving and receiving presents to giving and thus receiving love and aliveness.
Your gratitude will change everything.
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Which of these thoughts did you need to read?
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With love,
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