You Are Worthy: 15 Affirmative Quotes to Remind You That’s True

You are worthy, but that’s a hard truth to swallow when you make mistakes, don’t reach goals, get lost in comparison, and believe all the negative things you think. Human beings are built for progress, though, not perfection. Read these quotes when you need more light.
“Once we believe in ourselves, we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight, or any experience that reveals the human spirit.” — e. e. cummings
You have such a great gift to give to the world that no one else can give: yourself. That is the foundation for all other gifts you have to offer. Honoring that allows you to be free of small thinking because you’re curious about what’s on the other side.
I’m extending an invitation your way: risk curiosity. Wonder about who you can be. But first, be whatever you are.
Life is a journey, and so are you.
The day you begin to make the greatest impact on the world is the day you show up for yourself, as yourself.
Offering yourself the chance to be what you are, and the space to contemplate the gifts you have to share opens your heart in a way that can transform your life. You give yourself permission to explore your potential to create, and to create with greater ease and joy. You start sending out new signals, casting your net wider.
This kind of curiosity accepts what is here and extends beyond what we can see. It’s one way we grow resilient, which embodies the belief that obstacles and imperfections are not meant to hold us back.
Strength doesn’t come from freedom from internal struggle. Strength is born during the time of struggle; it builds up every time we fall. It’s validated every time we stand by our own side, in our own worth, affirming that we can do the things we once thought we couldn’t. Then, we practice how strong we can be, and we do the things.
Whenever you forget about your own worth and potential, blanket yourself with affirmations of how capable and resilient you truly are. You are worthy and much more than the thoughts that have kept you small. You are here, and that in itself is the one gift you need in order to discover all the gifts buried within you.
15 Powerful Quotes That Affirm That You Are Worthy
1. “Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made or dark images you hold about yourself. They remember your beauty when you feel ugly; your wholeness when you are broken; your innocence when you feel guilty; and your purpose when you are confused.” – Alan Cohen
2. “You’ll have moments when you feel like a lion, and moments when you feel like a mouse. Just know that no matter how you feel, you still have a heartbeat and a soul worthy of love, so learn to roar even when you feel small, because you are more than the feelings you may have.” — T.B. LaBerge
3. “You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are.” — Max Lucado
4. “Choose, everyday to forgive yourself. You are human, flawed, and most of all worthy of love.” — Alison Malee
5. “Be confused, it’s where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it’s where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it’s where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart’s wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now. No more hiding. You are worthy, always.” — S.C. Lourie
6. “You’re imperfect, and you’re wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” — Brené Brown
7. “Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them. You are strong and you are brave. There is a nobility of spirit within you. Let it grow.” — Chareos, to Kiall, Quest For Lost Heroes, by David Gemmel
8. “The only thing between you and big love is your belief in your worthiness of it.” — Kristin Lohr
9. “Happiness turned to me and said — ‘It is time. It is time to forgive yourself for all of the things you did not become. It is time to exonerate yourself for all of the people you couldn’t save, for all of the fragile hearts you fumbled with in the dark of your confusion. It is time, child, to accept that you do not have to be who you were a year ago, that you do not have to want the same things. Above all else, it is time to believe, with reckless abandon, that you are worthy of me, for I have been waiting for years.” — Bianca Sparacino
10. “Everything in the universe wants to be loved and accepted. Our personal work is to find the love and acceptance within ourselves.” — Shakti Gawain
11. “If you want to improve your self-worth, stop giving other people the calculator.” — Tim Fargo
12. “My highest ambition is to crawl out from under the ash and laugh at all the things that thought they could bury me.” — Rudy Francisco
13. “Worthy now. Not if. Not when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.” — Brené Brown
14. “I forgive myself for having believed for so long that I was never good enough to have, get and be what I wanted.” – Ceanne DeRohan
15. “I fell in love with her courage, her sincerity, and her flaming self respect. And it’s these things I’d believe in, even if the whole world indulged in wild suspicions that she wasn’t all she should be. I love her and that is the beginning of everything.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald (maybe, say that about yourself)
. . .
Tell me:
Which of these quotes is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Never forget how valuable you are, how creative you are, or how far you’ve come. Go visit my shop to find the perfect poetry print that celebrates you in your fullness, in your mess and magic and everything in between.
Comments on this post (20)
I’m thinking of writing every single quote in my journal in a bid to have my brain meditate on the thought of me being worthy. Because why not believe that I am worthy. ❤️
Thank you Jennifer.
Very healing and inspirational
— Debbie Arnett
Kim, Brene’s work is tremendous. I so recommend looking into what she writes, speaks and teaches about! I know it’s such a tough one to integrate: the belief, knowledge, wisdom that we are worthy regardless of what we think or others think, regardless of what we accomplish or feel like. BUT. It would change almost everything. The way you approach obstacles and pain. The way you carry yourself and take care of others. The joy and meaning you create in ordinary moments. Maybe, you set aside just 10 minutes a day and allow yourself to suspend all belief and self-concept — you pretend your self-worth is already whole and substantial. Then you can go back to reality :) It’s an awesome practice. If we’re here as we are, how could it be that we’re not meant to be here as we are, right now? Life has brilliance and meaning in its own right.
— Jennifer Williamson
The quote that stumps me is this one: “Worthy now. Not if. Not when. We are worthy of love and belonging now. Right this minute. As is.” — Brené Brown
Really? I do not believe this- how can I take it into my core being and BELIEVE it?
Thanks for your insightful journal!
— Kim
Thank you such heart warming words. I felt the healing instantly
— Isabella
This is a really good message.
— James
I needed this today
— Mallory
You are not an option, a choice or a soft place to land after a long battle. You were meant to be the one. If you can wrap yourself around the idea that you are something incredible, then you will stop excusing behavior that rapes your very soul. You were never meant to teach someone to love you. You were meant to be loved.
— Get Inspired with Cheryl
Lindsey, I wrote that. Thank you. I’m glad you like it :)
— Jennifer Williamson
Who wrote “The day you begin to make the greatest impact on the world is the day you show up for yourself, as yourself”?
It’s beautiful.
— Lindsey Coffey
I’m so excited
— Darlene
Daniela, I’m so glad this could inspire and support you right now! Changing your inner dialogue is one of the most difficult things. Though, not impossible, not even a little. Carry on. x
— Jennifer Williamson
Lisa, yes, you’re worthy of love. No matter. x
— Jennifer Williamson
I absolutely loved this. I’ve been trying to change my inner self talk and this helped a lot. I loved #9. Thank you!
— Daniela Clark
Every last quote has help face today knowing that I am worthy of love. After being told all the reason why someone left me and our children, I can recite these quotes knowing that I’m worthy and work hard to believe it.
— Lisa
I loved reading this, thank you
Rebekah, ugh, this one is just SO beautiful and powerful. I love this one too. Thank you for sharing and reading!
— Jennifer Williamson
This writing is so soothing. Just what I needed to be reminded of today. Thank you for sharing! My favorite quote was the one by Bianca Sparacino. Such beautiful, healing words! 💕
— Rebekah
I so love that one, too, Paul! ~ Jen
— Jennifer Williamson
I love the last one the best.
— Paul Rosenau