If You Still Feel Stuck, Tell Yourself These 5 Things

Need a little more flow and freedom? Tell yourself these things instead. That kind of *productive* self-talk will help you break down the walls, forgive yourself and grow forward from this place. You'll feel lighter.
7 Mantras to Repeat When You Feel Stuck, So You Can Grow... Lighter
1. “I am becoming a truer version of myself.”
The highest version of myself is not stuck. If I change my perception, I change my experience of life in this moment and I experience myself and my world in a truer light. Through each moment of self-awareness, I am closer to who I really am.
This perception sets me free to enjoy life right here, right as it is.
How you perceive things is everything. Your perceptions paint your personal reality.
2. “I embrace the newness of this day.”
Today, I am completely free from the past. I release the staleness of my own patterns and step into the ever-new possibilities of the present moment. I accept the wholeness of the universe as my own wholeness.
I trust that this is the experience I need, because this is the experience I'm having.
3. “My creative potential for change knows no boundaries.”
The more wonder I can express toward life, the more life opens up to me. Every experience reveals life’s unlimited potential for expansion. I meet life with an open mind and heart, knowing I always have access to something brand new.
4. “I fully participate in creating my personal reality.”
I am co-creating not only what I experience, but how I experience it. I am constantly giving to the world with every thought, word, and action. There’s no way I can feel stuck and accept my role as co-creator at the same time.
5. “My true purpose is to expand.”
I am charged with the same creative energy that charges every living thing. I am meant to live life fully, completely - nothing more and nothing less. I can learn from anything and make something meaningful out of anything. Each time I do, the universe rejoices in its own expansion.
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Tell me:
Which of these mantras is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Need help letting go at night? Get my book Sleep Affirmations for peace right where you need it most... so you can get some rest. You deserve that much. Then, you can start something brand new.
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