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Signs from the Universe That You’re on the Right Path (This Is One)

Signs from the Universe That You’re on the Right Path (This Is One)

You know when you see signs that you KNOW are meant for you? You see hearts everywhere, in the clouds and leaves, on street signs, or certain animals or words keep showing up. You feel… seen, heard somehow. If you haven’t seen one in a while, let this be your sign that you're ready to receive whatever it is you need.

Anne Lamott writes: "Hope is not logical. It always comes as a surprise, just when you think all hope is lost."

When hope restores itself by delivering signs from the universe (like the hearts you can't stop seeing or, in my case, butterflies) it’s an incredible feeling.

It’s like in the movie Avatar when Neytiri yells to Jake, “Ewya has heard you!” (It’s possible I wish that movie was real life.)

The message could be that it’s okay to let go of what hurts you, even if you can only do that for a minute or two. (Savor whatever time you have.) Or it’s to trust the process. Or to do the thing that scares you. Or to reach out to that person and make amends, offer help, or ask for help.

Do you need guidance and direction? Proof of your loved one? The sense that this life is a miracle and all really is well?

Look further.

Keep looking up, across the water, into the trees, deep into the details of ordinary life wherever you are. The universe is listening.

If you’ve ever gotten signs from the universe before, here’s a short story to help you remember that you’re not alone. You’re going in the right direction and things will work out for you, in their own funky way.

Life won’t play out exactly the way you think it should. The universe has a bigger story to write than you could ever write on your own.

Signs from the Universe: One Story of Surprise Hope

About a year and a half ago, I saw a black butterfly as big as me (OK, it was a dream).

In my dream, its wings almost reached the ceiling of my apartment. For some reason, I felt called to look up the "meaning" of the black butterfly: it symbolizes the death of old ways.

Within a couple of months, my boyfriend and I moved into a new apartment across the lake. And I received my first book deal: a dream come true.

Coincidence? Maybe. Interesting? For the curious and open heart, mmhmm.

Then I didn't think about black butterflies again for a while. I mean, I was busy! Writing a book! And then a second book! The new place didn't get a dusted as much as my clean-freak mind would've liked.

But last summer (some months later), I helped a living, breathing black butterfly free its wing from tangled weeds. It was amazing. The butterfly stood still as I worked, picking out the blades of dead grass that weighed it down. 

It didn't book it in the other direction as soon as I finished, either. Instead, it walked onto my finger and stood there for 5 long seconds before flying off.

I felt so connected to nature and the whole universe at that moment.

A day or two later, I got a surprise email with an offer for my 3rd book. I wasn’t seeking out the work, but it was exactly what I wanted to work on.

My point is:

Open your heart. Open. Open. Open. That’s when you’ll see more. You’ll feel how connected you are: to everything

And you’ll be able to receive whatever it is you need, even if you didn’t know you needed it. Like signs that you're in the right place, supported, totally going to be OK. You'll see them on the wall, in the sky, in your dreams, in a song, in a blog post.

Anxiety is the absence of trust that the universe will always deliver.

. . .

Tell me:

What’s a sign you’ve been getting — or you’re going to start looking out for again?

Tell me in the comments. I ready every single one, and I'd love to know!

Big love from above — and all over the place,


P.S. As I was writing this, something pulled my eyes toward what was playing on my Pandora radio station. On the album cover of the “Now Playing” song, there it was: a heart. It felt like a sign. And so it was.

P.P.S. I can't even make this up... The next album cover on my playlist had a butterfly on it! The song is “Realms of Splendor” by 2002’s album, Land of Forever. I think… no, I know... that all really is well.

You know when you see signs that you KNOW are meant for you? You see hearts everywhere, in the clouds and leaves, on street signs, or certain animals or words keep showing up. You feel… seen, heard somehow. If you haven’t seen one in a while, let this be your sign that you're ready to receive whatever it is you need.

Comments on this post (10)

  • Jul 05, 2024

    I prayed one day when I hit ruck bottom and I asked for signs that help me regain my strength . Then I started to see 11:11 a lot . problems that were impossible to solve at some point were solved overnight ! I believe it’s divine intervention 🙏🙏 I also saw white feathers for a few times and yesterday I saw a heart embedded in the clouds with wings of an angel and the shape of a person standing in warrior pose next to the heart . It seems to have a beautiful meaning . My dad passed away few years ago so it could be him or God talkin to me ❤️

    — Jocelyne

  • Jul 05, 2024

    I have a heart shaped birthmark in the middle of my right palm. And for awhile now I’ve been seeing heart shaped rocks or grooves in rocks shaped as hearts whenever I go hiking or when I’m working outside.

    — Joshua

  • Jul 05, 2024

    Thank you so much for your article and sharing your own personal experience! I have been seeing hearts EVERYWHERE and knew it was a sign but couldn’t figure it out why. I’ve had so many guesses on what it could mean but wasn’t really sure.

    — Amber Stevens

  • Dec 30, 2022

    For me it was a funny yet unexpected I’m seeing heart-shaped in toilet bowl when I am going inside I just can’t hold and smile for a sweet surprise

    — Marygine Veleganio

  • Sep 05, 2022

    I was talking to The wind God’s and Goddesses about something, and Mother Gaia and The Universe.. while I was talking I saw heart in the clouds. When I finished I saw 2 more hearts in the clouds.. so all in about 5 minutes I saw 3 hearts in the clouds

    — Marnie Oberholtzer

  • Aug 10, 2022

    Thank you for this article. It really helped me this morning. I’m going through a very hard time & have been asking for signs. I see hearts & coins everywhere.

    — Michelle

  • Jan 23, 2022

    I read your story and it touched me, I have been seeing a lot of hearts in everything,tonight as I was eating I saw at least 5 hearts on my plate, I see them everywhere and I’m trying to find myself and Why I’m seeing them.

    — Julie Howard

  • Dec 26, 2020

    Hearts every where, even a vein heart appeared on my face

    — Kimberly

  • Mar 27, 2019

    It’s such a good feeling to know you’re connected. It’s like the sun on your face after a long winter. So glad you enjoyed this one! It’s a sign :)

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Mar 26, 2019

    I was looking for comfort in positive affirmations and read your article. It’s comforting to know we can always count on the universe. I feel quite connected to the world around me through nature and service. I’ve recently recieved some positive signs and hoping for the best. Sending you love. Thank you.

    — Pooja uthappa

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