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You Are NOT Alone: You’re Connected to Everything (Strangely, but Surely)

You Are NOT Alone: You’re Connected to Everything (Strangely, but Surely)

You are NOT alone. It’s important that you know this — like, know it in your bones and with every ounce of your humanness. You’re connected in more ways than can be counted. All the good ways. All the not-feeling-so-hot ways too (oh, especially those!). Let me tell you about the bridge between you and me.

Being a human is hard. Am I right? I’m right. I should know, being a human and all. (I do still think I’m an alien, though.)

Think of the kinds of things we have to go through. Losing people we love to disease and suicide and accidents. Having to deal with illness or trauma or ordinary insecurities ourselves. They’re exhausting.

I’d never wish that kind of suffering on anyone, but fortunately and unfortunately, I’m not alone. What a strange kind of relief. Is that selfish of me? Nah.

It’s not selfish of you either, to want company in your pain — not by inflicting it on others but by sharing what hurts with people you trust to hear you out.

The pain means you’re human!

While it’s easy to pretend that you’re isolated in your misery and nobody in the whole wide world could possibly understand you, that’s a self-sabotaging falsehood.

You’re not an island.

Your life is tied to mine in invisible ways and ways you can obviously understand — like how you’re reading something I wrote right now.

Why am I sharing this during the hallmark “season of love”? Eh, it’s always that season and the right time to share your heart out. To listen to people sharing what hurts and helps them through the “ick.” To remember all the ways you’re seriously not on your own here.

This planet is full of people who are willing to meet you in both your pain and your joy — this isn’t a place for straight up perfection or absolutes.

Earth is where we’ve come to feel it all.

All the feelings. All the darkest darks and brightest lights.

“Sometimes the most #healing thing to do is remind ourselves over and over and over, other people feel this too.” — Andrea Gibson

Everything you’ve ever felt — someone has felt it on some level, or is feeling it right this second, or will feel it someday. Even if they have different experiences than you, the underlying feelings can be shared. Same thing with The Crazy thoughts (in caps ’cause they’re their own breed, like bullies who love watching you struggle).

You know how one innocent thought turns into the worst-worst-worst-case scenario and suddenly you wake up from your day-nightmare wondering, “What the heck is wrong with my brain?” Join the club. What a nutty world, huh?

Anyways, I got carried away (happens… only a lot).

Remember what you’re about to read. It’s important. And it might make you smile for real.

You Are Not Alone if You…

Feel like you’re too much yet never quite enough.

Are scared of having nice things. Because they’re easy to ruin and you’re not worthy.

Wonder if your brain is secretly waiting to strike against you for trying to pretend like you’re normal.

Know you’re definitely human but are still certain you’re not totally human.

Feel like nobody gets the real you.

How can you be alone when you've got stars in your soul and a trillion galaxies within you?

Look at the trees and the stars and feel like you’re oddly related to them. Like your soul knows theirs but your brain forgot the details.

Ever feel like a miracle with legs and equally insufferable or, at the very least, ridiculous. (I mean, “Who am I to think so highly of myself?”)

Believe that world peace is possible one person at a time and only happens from the inside out. Then you question world peace. Then you question your ability to make a difference. But some Good Crazy thought comes in like white magic and convinces you again that you’re important. You just can’t be sure. What a mess.

Know people love you but still can’t shake the feeling sometimes that you’ll let them down.

Aren’t sure you like the phrase “You are not alone,” but maybe a real “Me, too” feels better. (By the way: Me, too.)

When “You are not alone” doesn't work, try “Me, too” or “I don't understand exactly, but I'm glad you told me and if you're open to it, I'd love to know more.”

Want to feel like you’re in good company with everyone and everything? Get a copy of Morning Affirmations, and take heart. One reading a morning will inspire you to share and listen and look at Mother Earth like you’re actually related to her.

. . .

Tell me:

What’s another thing you can think of that makes us more alike and united than not?

Tell me — I’ve gotta know! And it might make someone else who reads this feel better.


“I see you, and by seeing you I bring you into being.”

It’s a Zulu greeting. Don’t you love it, too?

Love you,


You are NOT alone. It’s important that you know this — like, know it in your bones and with every ounce of your humanness. You’re connected in more ways than can be counted. All the good ways. All the not-feeling-so-hot ways too (oh, especially those!). Let me tell you about the bridge between you and me.

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