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20 Gratitude Affirmations for Deep Happiness & Hope for the Future

20 Gratitude Affirmations for Deep Happiness & Hope for the Future

Life doesn’t respond to what you want. Life responds to what you pay attention to. But it’s not easy to feel grateful when things aren’t going right. Read these gratitude affirmations to help you ease into a new state of mind. No forcing. No rushing. No pressure. You’ll start paying attention to what you want to see more of.

What you pay attention to expands. Your honest appreciation sends a signal out into the universe: this is your priority. What you’re focusing on is what you want to see more of, have more of, feel more of, experience more of.

Use these gratitude affirmations to start paying attention to what you DO want. You don’t need to ignore or deny your current reality. Accept it and then you can start to work with it to create something different.

The future is listening…

Life doesn’t respond to what you want. Life responds to what you pay attention to. But it’s not easy to feel grateful when things aren’t going right. Read these gratitude affirmations to help you ease into a new state of mind. No forcing. No rushing. No pressure. You’ll start paying attention to what you want to see more of.

20 Gratitude Affirmations for Deep Happiness

1. I am learning to be grateful for what I have while being excited for what has yet to come.

2. I am eternally grateful for the love I am capable of giving, and for the love I have yet to receive.

3. Whatever has happened, and whatever does happen, I’m certain that I can be grateful again.

4. I am grateful for the helpful guides that sometimes appear in disguise to usher me back to love.

5. I am grateful now, and that is keeping the door open for more blessings.

6. Even devastation is an opportunity for transformation, and my gratitude evolves as I do.

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.” – Ralph H. Blum

7. I welcome all of the ways the universe wants to bless me.

8. If I approach this situation/experience/person with appreciation, I will be held in the arms of abundance.

9. Whatever I see, I trust that the universe is supporting my highest good. I choose to see this season of my life, then, through the eyes of appreciation, as best as I can.

10. My thanksgiving is perpetual; it survives every obstacle because I am willing to keep it alive.

11. The feeling of gratefulness expands my perspective and opens me up to new ways of living happily in this world; it’s as if the whole universe is in my heart.

12. I’m willing to see beauty where others see nothing; I can look beyond a rock and uncover the diamond. For the rocks and the diamonds, I am thankful, because life is a rich experience that includes everything.

The more you pay attention to what's already working in your life, the better it gets.

13. My thanksgiving extends far beyond my thoughts; I bring a grateful spirit to each step and action I take.

14. I choose to be thankful for the light of this new morning, and for renewed energy and strength to be who I know I can be.

15. I shine the light of appreciation on an otherwise dark situation; there is no darkness that can escape that light for long.

16. I accept my burdens and I accept my blessings, and so I transform my burdens into my blessings.

17. I partner with peace today, and I do this through the power of keeping a grateful heart.

18. I fully accept the joy that wants to surface in my life, and I accept it now in gratitude.

Give thanks for your ability to give anything in life, even if all you can give is a “thank you.”

19. I choose to see peace instead. I am willing to trust that my life is exactly as it’s meant to be. I can relax a little and be thankful for what I have now.

20. In truth, my gratitude is an absolute magnet for the manifestation of all that I want.

Tell me:

Which of these gratitude affirmations are you using today?

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!



P.S. Wake up with a grateful heart, for real. Get my book Morning Affirmations: 200 Phrases for an Intentional and Openhearted Start to Your Day. It’ll make the rest of your day… flow.

Comments on this post (18)

  • Jul 05, 2024

    I am thankful each day for the Presence of The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit to guide me through the day.

    — Sara

  • Sep 23, 2020

    Thank you, i have just come across your lovely words, blessings and gifts- thank you sincerely with love.

    — Louise Corlett

  • Aug 24, 2020
    If you are in doubt about the death and Resurrection of the soul then look at the universe and behold…

    Look at balance
    Look at the flow
    And you will truly know.

    If you are in doubt about the impossible like moving mountains with faith of a mustard seeds


    Your soul is weak…
    So seek your strength in not yourself but from the nourishment of the womb of the universe and its seven heavens…

    I turn myself
    My mind
    My tongue
    My emotions
    My heart
    To being upright
    I recalibrate my energy, vibrations and frequencies..

    It’s not all about having
    It’s about sharing and giving what my creator and universe put inside of me…

    If you are in doubt of the sea parting
    If you are in doubt
    Surely soon we all shall see..

    All our woes and pains part right infront of thee…

    I ..
    I lean not anymore
    To my own understanding
    I seek assistance from the universe that birth me…

    I ..
    I know nothing at all
    A speck of fluid ejaculated i am but my creator still loves me as filthy as I am….

    I cry
    I cried
    I worried
    I stressed
    My life is a was a mess…
    But i closed my eyes and took a breath
    And lo and behold the universe renewed my heart mind soul and breath…

    I hold no grudges
    I hate not those who wronged me
    I’m not bitter
    I’m not petty
    I judge not because I can’t afford myself to be judged

    I’m grateful for even the blessings I prayed for and never received. .
    I’m grateful for the little
    The nothing
    I have…
    No longer disappointed
    No longer mad…

    I slander you not
    I feast not on your character and your shortcomings
    I’m not an animal
    I’m a human being
    There is no victory or great feeling for the destruction and Terrorizing people’s hearts, feelings, emotions, well-being, and souls…

    On this day I yearn to be free
    From life immorality
    I give up the ghost
    The ghost of my ego that tries so hard to hunt me.

    Perfect I am not
    I never want to be
    I am energy flowing through the universe

    — KATEB

  • Jul 06, 2020

    Yasmin, it’s my pleasure, and thank you for being here and sharing this with me!

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Jul 06, 2020

    6. Even devastation is an opportunity for transformation, and my gratitude evolves as I do.
    This one resonated with me a lot, thank you! My spirit led me here and I needed to see these affirmations. I will continue to read them daily

    — Yasmin Tyler

  • May 06, 2020

    Thank you Kiana! I’m so glad these spoke to you and could help you begin your own practice :) affirmations (especially creating your own) can be such an empowering thing you do for yourself and your life. xx

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • May 06, 2020

    I recently purchased a journal to write my daily affirmations. I had no where to begin! I came across your affirmations and connected with each and one of them. The way you put each affirmation into such detail is truly inspiring. Thank you for these daily affirmations. I hope life brings you an abundance of peace! xx

    — Kiana L

  • Mar 09, 2020

    Geraldine, thank you! I’m so glad xx

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Mar 09, 2020

    Beautiful wise words, I read every one and wow I am grateful for all above… It’s made the rest of my day bliss. Thank you

    — Geraldine Cullen

  • Sep 16, 2019

    Jillian, you’re so welcome! Thank you for letting me know how much these help :)

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 16, 2019

    Jillian, you’re so welcome! Thank you for letting me know how much these help :)

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 16, 2019

    Melissa, it’s my pleasure and I’m touched that these words resonated with you <3

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Sep 16, 2019

    Your affirmations are amazing, they make it easier for me to put my gratitude into words. Thank you for sharing.

    — Jillian

  • Sep 16, 2019

    I feel peaceful, gentle, renewing, in the loving, with these words.
    Thank you Jennifer for your gift.

    — Melissa O'Connell

  • Aug 26, 2019

    Wow, thank you for sharing this with me, Martin! I’m so glad :)

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Aug 26, 2019

    i read every single one. i am grateful for they will change my life. each day i will read all of them.

    — martin

  • Jul 22, 2019

    You’re so welcome, Katherine <3 I’m glad these words found you ~ Jen

    — Jennifer Williamson

  • Jul 22, 2019

    These are exactly what I needed to hear in this moment. Thank you so much.

    — Katherine S

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