Be Easy on Yourself: 15 Affirmations to Lighten up and Flow

You could probably use a break. Surely, a touch of grace. If that sounds like a good idea, use these affirmations to lighten your load: and be easy on yourself. You deserve that much.
“Sometimes you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you.” — Author Unknown
How could you be easy on yourself? Today, this week, this year?
Just for a moment: stop what you're doing. Stop what you're thinking about. Stop and breathe.
I invite you to use your favorite affirmations from this list.
Repeat the phrase(s) until they’re flowing through you, rooted in your bones and written on your heart. FEEL the words ringing true, paving new possible pathways.
Only then go back to what you were focusing on before. Go back with a fresh perspective. Things will shift.

It’s Time to Be Easy on Yourself: 15 Affirmations to Turn Your Energy Around
1. Whatever I do, I see it as being enough.
2. Letting heavy things go feels good to me.
3. There’s another way of approaching this, and I’m willing to try it.
4. My only job right now is to be in alignment with the loving energy that’s flowing all around me.
5. My peace is my ultimate priority. (Or simply: Peace is my priority.)
My worth is not measured by my productivity.
6. I dare to love myself enough to enjoy the process.
7. Even I am a journey.
8. I am enough. I have enough. I do enough. I trust in my enoughness.
9. I am willing to change the script. (Think about what you’ve been telling yourself, a story that feels heavy and hard, and then declare a shift.)
10. I direct all of my energy to the still place inside of me, and it grows.
I don't have to know, have, do, or control everything in order for peace to live inside of me.
11. I’m walking away from what’s not right for me.
12. I’m willing to embrace where I am because I won’t always be here.
13. And now it’s time to be easy on my self.
14. I can do anything from a place of inner ease.
15. I don’t chase peace because it’s already here seeking ME; I just open my heart and let it breathe.
. . .
Tell me:
How can you make things easier?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Never forget how valuable you are with this handwritten poetry print. Every time you read it, you'll remember. Just by being here, you're worthy and whole.
Comments on this post (2)
Caleb, you’re right. I wonder why it’s mostly more difficult to show ourselves the respect and care we need. We’re all human, and have things to forgive and are still worthy of love. I’m grateful this can help you. x
— Jennifer Williamson
By accepting the unperfectness of life, and accepting myself for who I am.
We try to pretend we’re something else. But other people see the whole of us
and some people still appreciate us. So why can’t I appreciate myself as I am.
Why do I try to hide these aspects of my personality from myself? I am who I am,
and I deserve self love as much as anyone. Even with the less desirable stuff, I am still
lovable. Loving yourself as you are doesn’t mean to not work to be better. Writing this
is helping me. Thank you Jen
¨¨My only job right now is to be in alignment with the loving energy that’s flowing all around me
— Caleb Lebel