23 Quotes about Darkness and Light to Help You Appreciate Both

The darkness isn’t wrong. It’s part of life, a backdrop for the stars at night, the space between what you know. Darkness has a way of reminding you of the light you’ve been given on all those other days. Read these quotes to help you bring darkness to the light, and make it part of the light.
These quotes about darkness and light are reminders of something important:
You don’t need to drown the darkness with light. You don’t need to replace negativity with positivity. You bring the darkness to the light. Like an offering.
That means you honor what is first, before you try to change it. You meet yourself where you're at, before moving forward.
Then you can even bring light to the places and situations where there’s barely any left. You can give someone love even though they’re not acting with love. You can light another candle.
You can handle hard things.
But if you need more help healing, get my book Sleep Affirmations: 200 Phrases for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep. It'll help you think kinder, more helpful thoughts before bedtime (or anytime).
Readers tell me they love flipping to a random page, trusting that's the message they most need to hear right now. You'll love it too.
Until then, these quotes...
23 Quotes about Darkness and Light to Help You Appreciate Both
1. “The dark and the light, they exist side by side. Sometimes overlapping, one explaining the other. The darkened path is as illuminated as the lightened…” – Raven Davies
2. “Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.” – Rabindranath Tagore
3. “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
4. “However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.” – Stanley Kubrick
5. “A visionary is one who can find his way by moonlight and see the dawn before the rest of the world.” – Oscar Wilde
6. “The darkness around us might somewhat light up if we would first practice using the light we have in the place we are.” – Henry S. Haskins
7. “Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.” – Victor Hugo
8. “Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.” – Desiderius Erasmus
9. “Maybe you have to know the darkness before you can appreciate the light.” – Madeline L’Engle
10. “In the midst of darkness, light persists.” – Mahatma Gandhi
11. “It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” – Richard Evans
12. “Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
13. “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.” – Plato
14. "What makes night within us may leave stars." – Victor Hugo
15. “Why not dare yourself to become a shining positive light where darkness is the only thing known?” – Edmond Mbiaka
16. “Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.” – Anne Frank
17. “I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars.” – Og Mandino
18. "Every moment of light and dark is a miracle." – Walt Whitman
19. “Don’t fight darkness—bring the light, and darkness will disappear.” – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
20. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” – John 1:5
21. "You can't discover light, by analyzing the dark." – Wayne Dyer
22. “Peace and negativity cannot coexist just as light and darkness cannot coexist.” – N. Goenka
23. “Life isn’t just about darkness or light, rather it’s about finding light within the darkness.” – Landon Parham
. . .
Tell me:
Which of these quotes about darkness and light is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Remember your own light and get a copy of my book, Sleep Affirmations: 200 Phrases for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep. Make sleep (and nighttime) your friend again.
Comments on this post (68)
If you are asked to merge with darkness, but everything in you resists, I do not want to take on someone else’s darkness!
— Beverly
I’m not so sure I should be sharing this. However, you guys might be accepting of this. I’m not really religious, however, sometimes you just reach out just in case. The following entered my head in response to a question I had.
“We’ll have to experience the darkest days so we can appreciate the light”
— Rhian
For the question in this thread: “I am trying to find out who spoke my favorite quote, ‘You are always the light you see by and if it’s dark in the places you look, it’s only because you still pretend the light will have to come from someone else”, the answer is Kai Skye (aka, Brian Andreas). 🎨
— Marlene
My favorite quote about light & darkness listed here is one I’ve not seen before reading it here just now;
“Life isn’t just about darkness & light, rather it’s about finding light within the darkness”
- Landon Parham
— Katherine Whatley
It is impossible to argue what light is with someone who has only ever seen darkness. You can only leave a lamp in hope they may one day find it.
— Sheryl
Hi Jen, the quote the resonates with me the most is … “Peace and negativity cannot coexist just as light and darkness cannot coexist.” – N. Goenka. I am try to find out who spoke my favorite quote, whitch is, “You are always the light you see by, If it’s dark in the places you look, it’s only because you still pretend the light will have to come from someone else.” …any thoughts?
— Craig Carter
I always preferred this quote from the movie Minority Report – “Sometimes, in order to see the light, you have to risk the dark.”
— Tim
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
This is the need of the hour!
— Jeevan Stephen
What makes light with in us may leave us stars.
— Josh Reyes
Thank you so much for this 🥰
— Nina
However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light. Stanley Kubrick
— Mahadev dp
“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
This is where I am right now and it resignates with me deeply. Why? Because darknes will never stamp out the light. i bel7eve there is always HOPE?
— Myra Patterson
" With the infinite light of my Soul
I pray for the infinite light of your Soul
Please pray with the infinite light in your Soul
for the infinite light in my Soul "
Darkness’s blinding artificial light distracts us from seeing the true perfect light inside us… I’m working on this because it doesn’t express my thoughts but to answer your question, definitely ghandi and stanley
— Lisa
— Patricia Sewell
Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness!
— Tracy Downing
The one that just jumped out me was number 15th…..
— Silvestre F.
Thankyou Jen! I am reminded of Ma Kali the great Hindu goddesses created to slay overwhelmingly dangerous demons. We are familiar with her frightening blue black form and yet, as an archetypal power She is radiant light. So it is with darkness, to me it is the primeval formless void before all new birthing and in its essence shines with a radiant light that we do not have eyes to see. The stoic and all embracingly compassionate Black Madonnas of Europe have something of the same mystery …
— Vivien Beere
23. “Life isn’t just about darkness or light, rather it’s about finding light within the darkness.” – Landon Parham
The most challenging task in life. Getting lost in the dark, forgetting light exists at times or searching for the light in dark times we all go through.
Best one that spoke to me. Thanks for this thought-provoking read.
— Jen S
“When you light a lantern, it will hold the darkness at bay, we sometimes fear the lantern light being extinguished as we know darkness will rush in to fill the void, but let us not forget we too can be the lantern in the lives of those around us; do not underestimate your own light!”
— Gareth
I am a light bringer and was hoping to find some quotes to send to a friend, and I found some of these quotes expressed what I was trying to tell them. Light bringers need to be more present then ever during these very difficult times. It feels like the darkness is overwhelming right now, we need more power of the light to help maintain some semblance of balance. We need more positive thoughts and prayers going out into the world. I think that in times of peace the light bringers become complacent which is unfortunate because the shadow people have the opportunity to dominate.
— Eileen
For niether would exist without the other..
Light is not so peaceful in daylight,
And Darkness would not hide ur pain if it never existed…Mizz Guerra
— Melissa Llamas
i like number 17 the most…..i am into astronomy and astrology most of my life i was trying to ride myself of the darkness in my soul now i just accept it…..all the light and the dark the contrasts we come down to earth to learn the difference between light and dark gaining wisdom each life we live
— Daniel
‘Guru’…take me from darkness to light
— Raj
“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.” -Stanley Kubrick
— Tera