11 Quotes about Autumn That Celebrate Its Poetry

Oh, Autumn, how I love thee. Though I've come to enjoy (through practice) the experience of each season, my soul can't help but fall in love with the crimson and copper earth. So, here are 11 favorite quotes about autumn and every shade of its grandeur.
Autumn in all its enchantment – there really is nothing else like it.
This seems like the perfect time for transformation and reflection, if there ever was one.
Autumn reminds me that it's possible to experience both comfort and delight in predictability. It's possible for something that seems so routine to be inwardly felt as a miracle, because you're all there and totally aware.
In autumn, we marvel at the common and the uncommon in a single glance. We acknowledge routine transition yet we're deeply touched by the absolute beauty of life. That very much feels like grace to me.
“… and the leaves fell from the trees without regret…” — Author Unknown
Read these quotes and smell autumn in the breeze, and hear the sounds of rustling leaves, telling you that it’s time again. Pumpkins and husks tied with jute line the steps. You could revel in this place forever, but nature has her ways, so you'll revel in this place for as long as it stays.
11 Quotes about Autumn
1. “This strangely still pause between summer and autumn, greenery and gold, and the heat and rising wind that is once again readying itself to rush it all away in a climactic symphony of color and scent is—in my opinion, one of the best parts about living on earth.” —Victoria Erickson
2. “And the sun took a step back, the leaves lulled themselves to sleep and Autumn was awakened.” — Raquel Franco
3. “If the year was tucked inside of a clock, then Autumn would be the magic hour.” — Victtoria Erickson
4. “Autumn ain’t so shabby for Wow, either. The colors are broccoli and flame and fox fur. The tang is apples, death, and wood smoke. The rot smells faintly of grapes, of fermentation, of one element being changed alchemically into another, and the air is moist and you sleep under two down comforters in a cold room. The trails are not dusty anymore, and you get to wear your favorite sweaters.” — Anne Lamott
5. “Wild is the music of autumnal winds amongst the faded woods.” — William Wordsworth
6. “Autumn burned brightly, a running flame through the mountains, a torch flung to the trees.” — Faith Baldwin
7. “I notice that Autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” — Friedrich Nietzsche
8. “Autumn keeps a radiance that is all her own.” — Jennifer Williamson
9. “… a distant smell which was a mixture of the dried leaves on the ground and the smoke from the chimneys and the sweet ripe apples…” — Arlene Stafford Wilson
10. “October is about trees revealing colors they’ve hidden all year. People have an October as well.” — Jm Storm
11. “The chilled air smelled of woodsmoke, of distances and passing time. Frost glimmered on the morning fields. Crows called across the pewter afternoons.” — James Carlos Blake
. . .
Tell me:
Which of these quotes is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Want more wonder? Read these quotes about magic and breathe a little deeper.
Comments on this post (1)
I really loved the quotes about ‘Autumn’ the one I like most is ‘. “If the year was tucked inside of a clock, then Autumn would be the magic hour.” — Victtoria Erickson.
I’ll be so glad if I receive other quotes.
— Ahcene