5 Love Affirmations to Make All Your Relationships Feel Fulfilling & Free

The best, most useful time to cultivate compassion is right now. Don’t you think? You could change the course of your future, even how you experience the past if you focused on loving better, deeper right where you are: others, yourself, this breath. Take these love affirmations and use your favorite to bring more fulfillment and ease to all your relationships — even with your barista and the mailman. It’s always the season for love.
Relationships. Even just one. This is what you really need. This is what we need, what humanity has always needed.
We survive by loving each other.
And love lives everywhere. I like to think of it as an ocean of energy that we can always dip into. But we’re most in tune with it when we fall “into” it with someone else — not just romantically, either.
You don’t have to be a relationship expert to feel “into” all of your relationships with more intention, to touch others with your tenderness and care. To lend not just a hand, but your heart.
You can meet anyone — strangers, heck, even yourself — with the same tenderness and acceptance that you meet your friends with and the ones you love most.
Instead of passing people by on the street without eye contact or a smile or an actual “hello,” try meeting everyone as a friend today: a friend to your soul.
Pick your favorite love affirmations here to keep in the front of your mind today.
Stay a beat longer in your hugs and handshakes.
Remember what matters, maybe the only thing that really does: the love you give and receive.

Love Affirmations to Help You Express & Feel the Love with Anyone
1. I meet this person as a friend.
I see this person as a soul crossing my path. What a miracle it is that we’re here like this. I treat this moment like it’s precious, like it’s all I have: a little bit of time together with another.
2. Blessings come through my connections with other people.
What I most want and need is related to the quality of my relationships: here is where grace finds me. I slow down and find something to appreciate. My attention and my intention bring heaven down to earth and joy to the surface.
“I feel that loving one another is the only thing real. Don’t let your blessings turn into stone. That kind of living will leave you all alone.” — Trevor Hall, Good Rain
3. I promote what I love.
I make what I am inspired to make. I follow and leave only love in my wake. My choices reflect my hopes today. Staying true to what I love sends an invitation to others. I radiate my truth and invite.
Find this affirmation on page 95 in my book, Morning Affirmations: 200 Phrases for an Intentional and Openhearted Start to Your Day! Order yourself a copy to get 199 more phrases that’ll flood your heart with good vibes.
4. I choose love.
Everything I see is either an act of love or a call for love. I shine light upon the darkness and I bring joy to the surface. Dropping drama and picking up love, I can again claim happiness and peace within. I choose to bring love to the situation that tempts me to follow fear. Love is my ultimate intention, and so I choose to live in a loving world.
From this affirmation written a few years ago: I choose love.
Teach others about the values you’d like to see in the world — not through lecture but by example.
5. I show up for others in a meaningful way.
It’s not always what I do or say that makes the greatest impact, but how I am. I vow to be there for someone today, to do and say with a presence that can be felt. I show up in a way that makes everyone feel seen and heard.
“If someone listens, or stretches out a hand, or whispers a kind word of encouragement, or attempts to understand a lonely person, extraordinary things begin to happen.” — Loretta Girzartis
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Tell me:
Which of these affirmations could you really use today?
Tell me in the comments. I ready every single one, and I'd love to know!
Your friend,
P.S. Don’t forget to get your copy of Morning Affirmations! You’ll have inspiration on the daily to make loving your life (for real) a priority.
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