10 Bedtime Affirmations for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep

Imagine closing your eyes after the end of a long day and NOT taking the stress to bed with you. How nice would it be wake up in the morning feeling refreshed — mind, body, soul? You need that! You deserve that rest. Use these positive bedtime affirmations to guide you into a peaceful state of mind so your body can get the rest it deserves.
With each new positive thought, you make space for what you do want.
Every time you repeat one of these positive bedtime affirmations, you make peace your priority. And you make peaceful sleep more of a reality.
If you need help falling asleep most nights, get my book Sleep Affirmations: 200 Phrases for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep.
So many readers have sent me emails and messages on social media telling me how much this book has helped them (or whoever they gifted it to)... not just sleep better, but heal better.
Affirmations are great tools for interrupting old or negative thought patterns. You can use this kind of positive self-talk to form new neural pathways in your brain, strengthening the beliefs that serve you and giving less attention to what stresses you out and keeps you up at night.
Repeating these bedtime affirmations is like telling your body that it’s okay to rest. It’s okay to believe in something helpful and kind. You’re allowed to feel good at the end of a long day.
“Sleep is the best meditation.” – Dalai Lama
A few tips to help you make the most of your bedtime affirmations:
- Choose whichever affirmation feels closest to your current reality. You can say “I am willing to believe…” if that helps.
- Repeat it a handful of times right before you’re ready to fall asleep. Repeat just the main affirmation, or pick and choose which phrases most resonate with you.
- Read slowly and savor. Feel the energy of the words and the spaces between. Visualize what the words mean to you.
- Try gently pressing down each finger to your thumb on one hand, and then the other, until you’ve completed 10 repetitions.
Whichever bedtime affirmation you go with tonight, use it again tomorrow, and the next night. Or, choose one affirmation each night and rotate through them all before starting again at #1.
When you have the book (with a whopping 200 affirmations!) you can do what most people do with it: flip to a random page and trust that the words you land on are meant for you right now.
Most importantly, believe in yourself. Believe you can sleep better and fall asleep feeling good. It’s your nature and you’re getting back home, to the peace that’s always been inside of you.
10 Calming Bedtime Affirmations
1. I release today.
I let go of fear, worry, anger, and blame. I release anxieties and stress. I release the heaviness of today and the weight on my shoulders. I let go of negative thoughts, and keep the happy ones. In my sleep will I find the freedom to know joy and peace again.
2. I forgive it all.
What has happened has been so, and there is no other way I could have or should have let it be. And so, I let it go and I let life be as it is. I forgive the people, I forgive the situation, and I forgive myself. I trust life and I am safe.
3. I have permission to fall asleep.
I give myself permission to close my eyes tonight, and awake refreshed tomorrow. I am allowed to drift into a good night’s sleep. My body, mind, and soul are worthy of their rest.
What I've done today is enough. I am and have enough, and now I allow myself time to rest.
4. I now enter a place of deep and restful sleep.
My bedroom is a place of peace and relaxation. When I enter this room, and crawl into bed at night, today’s thoughts naturally begin to soften. My burden lightens and sleep is coming.
5. I am grateful.
I am grateful for this life. I am grateful for the people who have been my teachers. I am grateful for the lessons life has brought. I am grateful for love that I receive, give, and share. I am grateful for the light of day. I am grateful for the darkness of night, in which I will sleep peacefully tonight.
6. I embrace my dreams.
As the night gets dark, my worries fade. I sleep peacefully knowing I have done all I could do for today. I embrace my dreams, for tomorrow will come with a new light and new strength.
I fall asleep with my dreams close to my heart, and all is well.
7. May my sleep be peaceful.
May my sleep be peaceful. May my dreams be filled with love. May my soul awaken to the infinite possibilities for happiness in my life.
8. I invite the qualities of good sleep.
I welcome peace into my home. I invite light into my heart. Love, happiness, and comfort abide in my soul. My spirit is content and my mind is still. I become tranquil, relaxed. With gratitude, I welcome a good night’s sleep.
9. I choose peace.
I choose peace instead. I close my eyes and choose to see again with new eyes, beyond what my physical eyes can see. Peace is my priority. Peace begins with me, and there is peace in my soul.
“Nothing can disturb the calm peace of my soul.” – Jiddu Krishnamurti
10. I am in harmony with the universe.
I match my heartbeat with the beat of the universe. I am in harmony with the night and the sleep that will come with it. There is no separation now, only one heartbeat that beats slowly, peacefully.
. . .
Tell me:
Which of these bedtime affirmations is your favorite?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
P.S. Want 190 more affirmations to help you fall asleep easier? Get a copy of my book, Sleep Affirmations: 200 Phrases for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep. It’s hope you can hold in your hands. You’ll love it.
Comments on this post (45)
I choose peace (9)
— Glynis Donald
I choose peace is my favorite affirmation!
— James Burl Johnson IV
I choose peace
— Kuruba Sivaprasad
“I release the heaviness of today and the weight on my shoulders.”
This is my favourite, it resonates with me. I’m a busy working mum so at the end of each day I can stop rushing around from work to school runs to homework to afterschool activities to dinner to housework to bedtime stories, finally I can release the heaviness of the fast paced day and breath. Its my time of the day. A little time for me 🥰
— Michelle
10. I am in harmony with the universe.
This affirmation makes me feel reassured and calm because the universe is attracting me to rest in a soft, warm, happy and safe bed where I am dream peacefully and happily :) I must stay that all 10 calming affirmations are beautiful and I will keep reading them from now on to have a mindful rest before bed. Thank you 😊 have a nice day, evening, afternoon where ever you are in the world 🌎
— Tiffany
my favourite is “May my sleep be peaceful” number 7
— Pammi
My favorite one is I choose peace. It’s been years since I felt I’ve ever had true peace with myself because I’m always holding onto the past in fear that I’m not well enough for the future. I have many who I care for and many who care for me. But, the true peace comes within. Within time the peace will come as of today I chose to see the peace. I have to see the peace.
— Airica
Thank you so much
— Serah
It’s hard to say which one is my favorite because I love them all, is it fine to say all of these , I feel each corresponds with what I need in general. Beautiful words thank you so much.
— Moy
“I Release Today” and “I Choose Peace” are my favs! I so needed to say those two. Thank you for sharing.
— Tricia
Jennifer, here are a few of my personal favorites from my book Sleep Affirmations:
“I am everything.”
I am vulnerable, and I am strong. I am fearless, because all my fears reroute to love. There are dark skies in me, and stars that shine until the sun comes up. I am many things, and no thing. I am everything, all rolled into One.
“I am light enough for sleep to carry me.”
My journey into sleep is about releasing what I don’t need. The less I carry, the lighter I become. I don’t add to myself: I lighten my load. Every burden I drop makes it easier for sleep to carry me home.
“The past cannot hold me back.”
In my presence, I am released from the past. I am free to lay all painful memories aside now. I am free to let suffering rest for a while. I cherish the times that carry love. I carry only this love to sleep tonight.
If you want a couple hundred more, here’s my book: https://healingbrave.com/collections/books/products/sleep-affirmations :) ~ Jen
— Jennifer Williamson
Hi there, stumbled across this tonight as I have been pleading for more sleep and thought an affirmation might be better and further empower me. I’m curious to know if you have any affirmations (one is fine lol) for feeling safe at night. Alone. In the dark. With past trauma happening at night and a history of night terrors.
Thank you,
— Jennifer Sparling
Shirin, I’m grateful for this <3
— Jennifer Williamson
I read these affirmations every night before sleep and every night one of them is my favorite. Tonight " I forgive it all" and “I choose peace” are my favorites
Thank you for sharing these loving peaceful words.
— Shirin
Jerilyn, enjoy!
— Jennifer Williamson
Thank you, again.
Look forward to receiving your book: Sleep Affirmations:… I have it ordered.
— Jerilyn
2. I forgive it all.
What has happened has been so, and there is no other way I could have or should have let it be. And so, I let it go and I let life be as it is. I forgive the people, I forgive the situation, and I forgive myself. I trust life and I am safe.
I do a personal bullet journal in the morning and at night for every day, especially when my mental health isn’t that great and found this site and the #2 affirmation and it was perfect for today, from my therapy session today and recent and past events. Thank you! That is perfect and was definitely needed!
— Dakota
Petals, thank you for sharing this! Forgiveness is some of the hardest work I’ve done in my life, and continue to do. I think it’s a lesson like no other, and we have to crawl through the pain of it to get to the other side and feel the peace that comes from it. I’m so glad these affirmations could help you and be part of your process. Sending my love xx
— Jennifer Williamson
Thank you so much Jennifer for a beautiful share. For me it all resonates for I came upon this as I searched for something to help me fall off to sleep gently without struggling.
2. I forgive it all stands out.
What has happened has been so, and there is no other way I could have or should have let it be. And so, I let it go and I let life be as it is. I forgive the people, I forgive the situation, and I forgive myself. I trust life and I am safe.
For I have learnt the peace that comes with forgiving, I now try to forgive soonest. I know how detrimental unforgiveness is to the one harbouring a grudge…even if we were drastically wronged and think we are justified. Forgiving it all and soon is a gift we ought to give ourselves…and savour it…chalking down whatever happened as a lesson in life for wisdom going forward.
Stay blessed and safe.
— Petals
— Peace
Thank you for sharing, Roy. I’m so glad you enjoyed these… and that you can find gratitude, even a little bit, each day. It makes all the difference <3
— Jennifer Williamson
I always express Gratitude in my life.
I also love these words :- I embrace my dreams, I have done enough for today. I fall asleep with my dreams next to my heart.
Also, I am in harmony with the universe.
I let go of all negative thoughts, and keep the happy ones.
Thank you for all these beautiful and encouraging words. May God bless you xx.
— Roy
Carla, I hope you find peace in small moments tonight, and tomorrow, and this season. <3
— Jennifer Williamson
With everything that has been going on in my life, I choose #1 for tonight
— Carla
Gayathri, this is such a beautiful way to move through your time here… thank you for sharing this with me <3
— Jennifer Williamson