5 Life-Giving Affirmations When You’re Mentally Exhausted

Maybe you haven’t been getting enough sleep, or you’ve been grieving, or working so hard on something that matters. If you're mentally exhausted, read these affirmations. They'll breathe fresh air and inspiration into your life. And help you focus on what you want (instead of what's stressing you out).
Use these affirmations to focus on what you're grateful for and looking forward to. Notice how good it feels to focus on that.
Let the miracle come to you. It'll come.
5 Affirmations to Use When You're Mentally Exhausted
1. I love _____ (enter: whatever you need).
I love sleep. I love feeling awake and energized. I love feeling like the universe has my back, like Life is on my side. I love knowing that I'm enough, just because I'm here. I love the way hope feels, and how it helps me do whatever I need to do with a calm and steady heart.
2. I know that peace is possible.
From this moment forward, peace is available to me. There’s unlimited potential within my reach. Even though I'm tired, I can still feel my heart beating. I can still feel the miracle of my being here.
3. I can do one thing at a time.
I can focus on one thing. I can choose the closest good-feeling thought that’s available to me. I can trust that, one breath at a time, I am on my way to where I need to be. One at a time... this is always the way.
4. I am being guided to something better.
Now, I let life happen *for* me. I’m in the perfect place to see that better things are coming closer to me.
5. I am totally willing to be easy on myself.
I am walking a path, and I am not destined to be in this spot forever. I know this, deep down. I am allowed to treat myself with kindness while I'm in the process of improving the way I feel.
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Tell me:
Which part of this affirmation did you need the most today?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Feel better about where you are with my book Sleep Affirmations. No matter what you've been through. No matter what needs to change. You'll get light where you need it most. And you’ll feel… better.
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