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100 Positive Affirmations to Make Your Life Feel Like Your Own

100 Positive Affirmations to Make Your Life Feel Like Your Own

Tell yourself the things you need to hear, the things you want to come true. Here are 100 short and sweet affirmations, perfect if you're ready to feel, heal, love, and live better. Find your favorites and use them every day to make your life feel like it's 100% your own.

“When you begin to realize that every thought is vibration, and that law of attraction is responding to every thought, and the thought is going to increase, the only question is: Is it one you want to increase? Because it’s going to increase. Law of attraction insists that it does.” – Abraham-Hicks

It's not just about what you're saying, but how you're saying it. Does it feel true to you? Do you want it to come true? Can you believe that you're powerful enough to create this new reality for yourself?

By the way, you ARE that powerful.

Write your favorite affirmations down, hang them up, fill your jars and journals, stick them on your mirror, send them to a friend, leave them in random places around the world… share the love, however it feels good to you.

It's that energy you're creating your reality with. Use it wisely. Every little word makes a difference. Every single day counts.

100 Positive Affirmations for the Life YOU Want to Live

1-17: When you want to increase joy…

1. Happiness is “in here.”

2. Every time I rest my awareness on something joyful, I bring more joy to my life.

3. I am in the process of positive changes.

4. Life is so enjoyable when I first accept the way things are, and then work with them.

5. I am capable of taking tiny steps forward, into a life I truly love.

6. There’s a certain joy that I tap into when I’m present; a certain gratefulness emerges.

7. I engage in activities that bring me further into joy.

8. A negative thought is merely a miracle that has yet to bear its fruit; I welcome that transformation.

9. I offer more energy to what I do want, like, and enjoy.

10. I contain the capacity to transform anything negative into something positive.

11. Forgiveness is my function; it brings joy to the world through me.

12. I CAN choose happiness whenever I really want to.

13. I have an innate capacity to extract joy from common things.

14. I strengthen my connection to joy by appreciating life’s mystery and wonder without needing to understand it logically.

15. The world around me feels fresh, new, and alive.

16. I bring the pleasure of the past and the future into the present moment.

17. I am the creator of my mood; I am the creator of how I experience my experiences.

"Be happy in anticipation of what's coming." – Abraham-Hicks

18-33: When you want a strong foundation of peace…

1. I move with greater love in the world, and there is stillness inside my soul.

2. I find joy in stillness. There is such a thing as sacred idleness.

3. I create sacred time for myself (even 10 deep breaths) to connect to my deepest, highest, wisest part of myself.

4. I am light. I am light. I am light.

5. I practice welcoming the present moment as if my soul had invited it here.

6. I can devote 90 seconds to every emotion; when I do, peace returns.

7. My peace abides amid all adversity.

8. I honor the space between no longer and not yet.

9. I expand my ability to cherish the present moment for what it is.

10. Peace is my nature.

11. Right now, I am safe and I am okay.

12. I am perpetually moving with life one breath at a time.

13. I can control the things I need to control for a deep sense of peace; the rest I can let be.

14. I am devoted to the space between thoughts.

15. I am willing to release what I had planned so something new can manifest.

16. A peaceful perspective pervades every conscious decision I make.

“The Universe doesn’t hear what you say; the Universe hears what you mean.” – Abraham-Hicks

34-49: When you want to experience abundance…

1. Life responds to my deep desire to tap into abundance.

2. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

3. I measure my success by how much fun I’m having.

4. I am open to accepting all forms of abundance that are on their way to me.

5. Life becomes so giving when I am generous.

6. All of life’s truest riches are within my reach.

7. I have (more than) enough time (for everything that I love).

8. I delight in and praise the good fortune and success of others; the spark that burns in them also resides in me.

9. I have everything that I need, right here and now, to fully engage with life.

10. I transform every obstacle into an opportunity.

11. I am eternally grateful for the abundant intelligence that brought me here.

12. In every waking moment, I touch the depth of life and experience my own expansion.

13. I am connected to boundless abundance, creativity, and potential.

14. I am a magnet for miracles.

15. I am grateful for every gift that I’ve been given, have now, and have yet to receive.

16. The universe always has my back, and is supporting my highest good.

"No one has ever become poor by giving." – Anne Frank

50-66: When you want to feel loved…

1. I have it in me to figure out what I need to become in order to be where I want to be.

2. I am willing to embrace the glorious mess that I am.

3. I am shedding the energies that no longer match the frequency of my future.

4. I love my food, and my food loves me.

5. I am always doing my best, and I can forgive the rest.

6. I imagine the best possible version of me, and I release any part of me that doesn’t believe in it.

7. As I love and accept myself as I am, right now, life gets better.

8. I am flawsome.

9. It does not matter how slowly I go compared to others; what truly matters is my authentic presence with each step.

10. I am not lukewarm in my passion, but fully committed to what I want to experience today.

11. I attract my best possible self by devoting the entirety of my energy to feeling and being what I want.

12. The moon shines in every phase of her life, and so can I.

13. My sincere self-acceptance takes me straight to joy.

14. I am my own best friend.

15. All that I have ever loved stays with me.

16. I am afforded ample time to grow into who I’m destined to be, and I am loved along the way.

17. Purely due to my existence, which stems from love, I am loved without reservation.

Every time you affirm something, be sure the subject of your statement is something you want to increase.

67-83: When you want to bolster your faith…

1. I trust the guidance of the universe.

2. I am an expression of the same source of life that grows flowers and rotates planets.

3. Believing I’m exactly where I need to be ensures that I am.

4. I’ve survived every difficult day of my past, every heartache, every disappointment, and every bout of confusion.

5. There is no wrong decision if I’m open to all the possibilities the universe can give me.

6. I may not know exactly what my life’s purpose is, but I’m devoted to enjoying the process of finding out.

7. I am learning to greet uncertainty with hope in what can be.

8. Life isn’t just happening to me; life is happening FOR me.

9. I stand firmly in this place and time, because a deeper part of me knows this is where I’m meant to be.

10. Guidance will surface, and I will trust it.

11. This too will pass. I can be here with this.

12. Change happens for all of us.

13. I trust the process of life.

14. Life is one, big, evolving miracle that I don’t need to understand in order to be a part of.

15. I have faith in the source that animates all forms, expressing itself in boundless ways.

16. I am learning/willing to trust the journey even when I do not understand it.

17. I relax into a plan that’s bigger and better than my own.

When you realize that a belief is just a thought you keep thinking, life becomes fluid, malleable. And you come to see just how powerful your thoughts can be.

84-100: When you want to enjoy fulfilling relationships…

1. Even if others don’t understand or agree with my journey, I bless (honor, appreciate, send love to) them anyway.

2. When I commit to giving what I want, that’s what I receive in all of my relationships.

3. The more I love my decisions, the less I require the validation of others.

4. I am constantly reorganizing my thoughts to support peaceful relations.

5. I am willing to see them as if for the very first time.

6. My relationships are the perfect avenue for walking a spiritual path.

7. I understand love’s true purpose, and so I give it freely.

8. Since I value myself, others are bound to value me.

9. I focus on what I like about others, because that is what I experience.

10. I am open to new ways of being a healing presence in the world.

11. Forgiveness always sets ME free.

12. I am an instrument of peace; peace is my function.

13. I set boundaries with love—boundaries that benefit everyone involved.

14. I see every unloving behavior as a call for love.

15. I am willing to forgive, even when I’m not ready to.

16. I devote more energy to loving than I do to comparing and contrasting.

17. I can love people even if I don’t like them.

You invite more of what you give your mental and emotional energy to most.

. . .

Tell me:

Which of these affirmations do you need the most this week?

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!

With love,


P.S. Want 400 more affirmations like this... but better? Get my book Morning Affirmations for hope and possibility first thing in the morning. Get my book Sleep Affirmations to fall asleep knowing you're exactly where you need to be. Make your whole life a work of art. It's your LIFE, after all.

Comments on this post (1)

  • Jul 05, 2024

    Thanks Ms. Jennifer for the affirmations. I have read them daily for 40 consecutive days. In the begging I felt I am lying to or fooling myself. I didn’t believe what I was saying. The more I read them the more I digested then and the more I wanted to live them. I practiced along my days part of the affirmations like “I see every unloving behaviour as a call for love”. By time I started manifesting some of the affirmations during my day like seeing myself as my own best friend. If there are more of these affirmations please refer me to them. Thanks for the positive change You made in my life!

    — Hesham Shoaib

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