Remembering: Love Is My Name, a Poem

Thanks to a beautiful reader, who I wrote this poem for, here's something you need to remember: love is here, even still. Even though {fill in the blank} happened, love is my name and my truth. And it's yours. It's here, now, always, and the only thing that's lost is your memory of it.
“It isn’t possible to love and part. You will wish that it was. You can transmute love, ignore it, muddle it, but you can never pull it out of you. I know by experience that the poets are right: love is eternal.” — E.M. Forster
What if love was enough, no matter what, because it was always here, regardless of how we felt about it?
What if, when we felt like love has left us or that the person we love left this world, it was only our perceived connection with love that has been dimmed, temporarily lost (though never really lost), tampered with?
In this sense, love is like a pool we're always swimming in, like the air that is always around us. Though we’re always “in it,” it is our connection to love that goes in and out like a radio station. It's this connection we should cultivate and nurture to consciously feel the love.
We're always basking in love, even when our connection is weak. That weakness is only a forgetfulness of the wisdom and support all around and within; we are, inherently, channels for and reflections of love.
“Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end.” — Madame de Staël
I wrote this poem in honor of a reader’s birthday, and she so graciously allowed me to share this poem with the world. The love that she is resembles the love that we each are.
Remembering: Love Is My Name
My life is a poem of infinite revisions—
Notes scribbled in the margins,
Stars next to what enlightens.
My life is mine, but
It is not mine.
My poetry is my own but, just the same,
Sourced from the Great Source.
My beloved rests in the supple
Only oneness echoes from my true name.
Scattered across these notes:
Love that I know, and
Love I have yet to recall;
Fear awaiting revision;
Hope gleaming from every “single” star.
There is nothing to cast aside
Except the forgetfulness of
What is mine: the love
In which
I am swimming
At any given time.
This love needs no revision, for it is
Sourced from the Source that belongs
Only to itself.
This mirror I polish to better see
The Great Love that rests inside of me—
The same Love that I breathe.
I revise only to remember
My name.
. . .
Tell me:
Which part of this poem did you need to read today?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!
With love… here and now, always,
P.S. Want a poem like this on your wall or desk, so you never forget how loved you are? Go visit my shop and pick your favorite.
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— Suneel