Change Is in the Air: Affirmations, Growth, Discernment

These affirmations are in honor of the kinds of changes that you absolutely must initiate and follow because they are what’s best for you. When change is in the air, especially when it comes to change for the sake of peace, let yourself flow into a new season of life with enthusiasm and curiosity.
If change is in the air for you, too, use these affirmations to help you release what’s blocking you from what's best for you. Imagine your innermost self is saying these things to you...
When Change Is in the Air: Affirmations to Encourage Enthusiasm, Curiosity & Trust
1. It’s fun when fear turns into love.
As I start pondering a new way to live, I open myself to “signs” that feel like more than coincidences: little notes from the universe pointing me down the path. I listen with love instead of fear. I focus on the loving nature and greater purpose for doing what I must do.
2. I am grateful and excited, all at once.
My gratitude and enthusiasm are not mutually exclusive. I adopt a grateful spirit for what has been and still is here if it has served my growth, expansion, clarity, and self-understanding. I adopt an enthusiastic outlook for what has yet to be shown: this is how I grow, gracefully.
Gratitude coupled with enthusiasm feels like grace.
3. I stop forcing and start receiving.
Even if I am waiting, I can wait with purpose. Even though I may not know, with full clarity, what my purpose is, I am willing to find out. Even though this season of my life is uncomfortable, I respect that every season serves a purpose.
“When we do not grasp with our mind, we find a fresh way of being.” — Pema Chödrön
4. My curiosity births joyful growth.
I open my heart so that I can feel my way through change with joy. I open my mind so that I can see what’s behind doors that once were not even known. I let curiosity lead the way. I let myself experience what it’s like to be a human, growing.
Curiosity births joyful growth: the heart that's open to creative solutions sees more than the mind closed by what it thinks it already knows.
5. I am trying trust instead.
The heart feels the truth before the head understands it. I am learning how to trust my “heart thoughts” instead.
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Tell me:
Which of these thoughts did you need to read today?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
With love,
P.S. Want to enjoy this season and trust where you’re at? Less stress, more joy? Get my book Morning Affirmations to wake up with hope and purpose in your bones. You’ll feel… better.
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