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A Visualization for Stress Wherever You Are (The Energy Bubble)

A Visualization for Stress Wherever You Are (The Energy Bubble)

Stress happens. It doesn’t care if you’re in the middle of a meeting or the grocery store, or cozied up on the couch. Try this visualization for stress — I call it “the energy bubble” — before anyone or anything else decides how you’re going to feel. If stress pops up, you’ll be ready… and you’ll stay awesome.

It’s nobody else’s job to make sure you stay cool and calm. With that said, it’d sure be nice if you had some help in this department.

Energy bubble to the rescue!

This visualization for stress is super easy and a variation of an exercise I share in my book, Sleep Rituals: 100 Practices for a Deep and Peaceful Sleep.

Click here to grab your copy of the book so you can keep calm and sleep easy. There are 12 more visualizations like this one in there.

When you get the book, open it up to page 215 to learn the “healing energy blanket” visualization. While you can use that one anytime and wherever you are, it’s real good at releasing icky energy at the end of the day.

Until then, use this visualization to help you interrupt obsessive thoughts and get you feeling how you want to feel. You'll focus on your breathing and imagine a protective bubble of energy that keeps the peace in — and the stress out.

Live from your own space instead of letting what happens all around you trigger you. That’s your power.

If nothing else, your energy bubble can give you a few moments of deep breathing and distraction. And that might be exactly what you need.

The Energy Bubble: A Visualization for Stress & Obsessive Thoughts

  1. While learning this exercise, go somewhere quiet where you can sit down and close your eyes. Focus on breathing through your nose. Take a few or more deep belly breaths until your breathing slows.
  2. On your inhale, imagine a cleansing light entering through the crown of your head. It can be golden, white, or another color that makes you smile. Imagine it filling your belly with light. It can help to place one hand on your belly and the other on the top of your head.
  3. On your exhale, send that light around you, building an imaginary bubble. You can exhale through your mouth if it feels like more of a release.
  4. Continue for several breaths or minutes. Picture this bubble growing stronger with each inhale and exhale. You’re building it.
  5. Imagine your bubble extracting the heaviness and toxicity inside and sending it out to be absorbed by the atmosphere. It’s cleansing you. It’s also protecting you. Nothing but peace can stay inside of it with you.
  6. Continue with this visual until you feel like you’re breathing in and out only positive energy.
  7. Sink deeper into the experience. Feel this complete and pleasant protection, this liberation and lightness. Feel yourself calm and restored. You may feel as though your body is tingling — mingling with the healing energy of the universe.
  8. When ready, open your eyes. Hold this visual if you like as you go about your day, your bubble cleansing you and protecting you all day (or night) long.

You can practice this visualization with eyes open once you’re familiar with the steps.

You need to set healthy boundaries about what you’re willing to let into (and stay in) your life. You need to do this so that your peace can’t be taken away from you.

. . .

Tell me:

When could you use this exercise? 

Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I'd love to know!

You got this,


P.S. Buy your copy of Sleep Rituals here. Nagging thoughts and icky energy won’t stand a chance. Because you’re too awesome for that.

Stress happens. It doesn’t care if you’re in the middle of a meeting or the grocery store, or cozied up on the couch. Try this visualization for stress — I call it “the energy bubble” — before anyone or anything else decides how you’re going to feel. If stress pops up, you’ll be ready… and you’ll stay awesome.

Stress happens. It doesn’t care if you’re in the middle of a meeting or the grocery store, or cozied up on the couch. Try this visualization for stress — I call it “the energy bubble” — before anyone or anything else decides how you’re going to feel. If stress pops up, you’ll be ready… and you’ll stay awesome.

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