Aim Happy is now... Healing Brave!

It’s official! Aim Happy is no more. I'm so excited to share this next chapter of my work with you. I call it: Healing Brave. So! Pour yourself some tea, and sit. You have a free gift and lots of love waiting for you.
But first things first: thank you.
Your love and support kept Aim Happy going for 4 years. That still amazes me.
You’ve made me believe in what’s possible.
To balance out all the terrible things that've happened in my life on Tuesdays, here's something... better, today...
Healing Brave is a space for people like you who want to turn their pain into medicine.
Healing is hard. It means showing up time and again to honor how you hurt.
And if you decide to bloom from your wounds? To leave this place better than you found it? To do more than just make it through... to give back differently?
That, my friend, is brave work.
That is healing brave.
Start exploring two ways:
- Start here for a quick overview of what you'll find here
- Visit the homepage
- Start shopping!
You’ll see new words and a new design. You’ll feel new energy and new strength. No clutter. No sidebar. No ads.
It's all part of the experience and the essence of the mission: to help you heal better. To make you feel like you're amazing *because* of what you're living through. (You are.)
That's why you'll see...
There's a shop!
It’s how you can bring words of hope and heart to life -- and into your home.
You can buy signed bookplates for the books you already have and love, and prints of my handwritten poems <-- it's what I'm most excited about!
Click here to see everything that's in the shop right now.
Everything's imperfect on purpose... because that's real life, and that's the real me. I can't make perfect pretty things even if I tried (and I've tried).
Thanks for letting me make art my own way. I hope what you see in the shop inspires you to start before you're ready, to trust the gifts *you* have to give, and to just be who you are. It's enough.
And if you want to feel amazing *because* of how you carry on…
You’ve got to go here and get the Healing Brave Manifesto. It’s about you. And yes, it’s free.
You’ll also get my Hope Letters every Tuesday. Plus stuff I don’t share anywhere else.
Have questions about anything? Email me, anytime. Or, comment on this post!
Thanks for being the light in my darkness.
I love you.
You’ve made it happen.
Love makes it happen.
Onward and upward,
P.S. I released Healing Brave this week in honor of my brother Mark’s birthday (he'd be 33 on Thursday). He died 8 years ago by suicide. This is how I bloom from my wounds: give back, make something, leave a mark.
P.P.S. I can't end this without thanking everyone who helped me bring this vision to life. Thank you: Ashley, Brittany & hubby for better pictures than I could've hoped for. Brooke, for the logos: you nailed it. Thank you: Brian & Mom for putting up with me going on and on and on about this. You reading this, for letting me do what I love. Without you, I don't know what I'd do.
P.P.P.S. Tell me what you think about the changes in the comments! I'd love to know.
Comments on this post (5)
Sometimes change can hurt. Stagnation hurts more in the long run.
— Dorothea Van Gelder
Louise, just wow, thank you for this! For reading and sharing and telling me how much this means to you. I’m excited to be able to express and share and help in new ways. I hope you keep finding light and inspiration whenever you need it. Thanks for the way you heal and help. THAT is healing brave. :)
— Jennifer Williamson
Jennifer, thank YOU for all your support all this time! It brings me so much joy and hope to write for you, and knowing you love the books and manifesto… means the world. Yayyyy! xo
— Jennifer Williamson
Healing is brave and hard. Thank you so much for being so inspiring! I love all book and manifestos! So excited about the shop! Yayyyyyyy!
— Jennifer Peterson
I just texted a link to your new site to my entire Grief Support Group. I pray that they get at least half as much inspiration as I have received this past year.
Congratulations on your metamorphosis. This new site is amazing.
— Louis Decell