Note to Self: It's Okay to Take Your Time

In case you need to hear it today, it's alright to follow your own heart, according to your own timeline, in your own way.
Nobody else can do that for you.
That's a fact I keep bumping into whenever I think about all the books I wanted to write yesterday. Or anytime I'm on the yoga mat and my body tells me to go even slower, or else.
Progress is a slow burn.
Why is that so easy to forget?
What inspired me to write this quick "note to self" is this weekend, when I (finally) started selling *signed* copies of my books! Which you can now get shipped to your home (or wherever) directly from my home.
Now I'm trying very hard to stop looking for the next thing to do before fully appreciating how far I've come. I mean, it's been a hell of a ride to get here.
Like Brian (my other) told me the other day, You can't do something every second of every day.
Listen to him. (Note to self.)
If you listen up, life will keep trying to tell you that healing is a slow melt, and taking your time can take you much further. And THAT is a beautiful thing.
If you're anything like me, read this note to self and try not to be too hard on yourself.
I'll be right there trying, too.

It's Okay to Take Your Time.
It's okay to live your life.
It's okay to finish your projects in your own good time.
It's okay to practice patience and trust along the way.
It's okay if you want to do it right -- do it right by you.
It's okay to take care of yourself without shouting it to the world.
It's okay if you need to rest.
It's okay if you need a break, even from what you love.
It's okay not to have the answers for everything.
It's okay not to be part of the race.
It's okay.
It's Okay to Live in the In-Between Places.
It's okay if you want to do things different.
It's okay if you don't like what everyone else likes.
It's okay if your life doesn't look like you thought it would.
It's okay to change your mind and your direction and your priorities.
It's okay if you feel all sorts of things all at the same time.
It's okay if you don't want to explain yourself.
It's okay to be humbled to dust and still walk with your head high.
It's okay to start all over again -- again.
It's okay if you need more time.
It's okay.
It's Okay to Be Just As You Are.
It's okay if you need to be your own best friend and guardian.
It's okay not to feel your best when other people do.
It's okay to feel good about your own life even when someone else is struggling.
It's okay to feel good about who you are.
It's okay not to be what other people expected of you.
It's okay for flowers to bloom at different times of the year.
It's okay to still be figuring it all out.
It's okay if all you can do right now is breathe.
It's okay, sometimes, to just be.
You're okay.
. . .
Tell me:
In your life right now, what are you willing to say "it's okay" to?
Tell me in the comments. What you share here helps more than you know.
Much love,
Comments on this post (2)
It’s okay to be alone. I was married for 27 years, then dated the wrong person (who I loved with everything I had) for a little over a year. Now I am single and 51. And it’s really hard. I don’t like being alone. But it’s where I am right now, and I suppose I should take this time to work on me. Depression is real, and I am dealing with it. I talk to myself a lot when I am home alone, because why not? “Good job, John” or “I’m proud of you!”. I have a long way to go, and I feel like when I stop looking for someone, that’s when I will find her. Thank you for your work, I really enjoy it!
— John Gable
Your letter this week helped with my own sense of time. Simply thinking things are okay helps make them okay. Thank you,
— Jim