Honor Where You Are: Journal Prompts for Joy in the Journey

We start to feel lost without meaningful engagement in our path, which doesn’t just involve working toward something meaningful but also digging up meaning right in the middle of the journey. If you honor where you are, you bring that sense of appreciation and aliveness into the destination. What a trip that would be!
If you don’t train yourself to honestly enjoy the journey, you might be missing the point.
Here’s something I’ve found to be true: growth is a major component of contentment. If we’re not growing, learning, contributing, and actively contemplating how we can be of service — to others and our “best” selves — then there’s something missing.
We can feel that something is missing.
But then there’s that sneaky thing called Progress.
We can’t just zip right to where we ultimately want to be, what we ultimately want to be able to do. We’ve got to travel there.
Such is life.
It’s natural to get frustrated with waiting, with not being where you think you should be. Still, if you choose to wait with purpose, you can act with peaceful power over desperation.
You can live openly and fully, one breath at a time, not carrying all the weight of tomorrow — just today’s tasks and thoughts (all you’re meant to carry).
“The answer is revealed in living life as an open question. The answer is not a destination, but rather is made in the #journey towards its discovery.” — Anne Davin
The universe responds to that kind of mindful attention and faith.
You receive what you need when you’re ready for it — not one moment sooner or later. You’re on time and you’re enough and you’re okay — you hold this to be true, and so it is.
Honestly, life flows so, so much better when you honor where you are.
Getting caught up in the outcome breeds comparison, judgment, jealousy, doubt, and all of the self-destructiveness that impedes growth and fulfillment. Not fun. Not helpful.
Trade your obsession with the outcome for wonder, curiosity, appreciation, reverence, respectful allowing, deep breaths, forgiveness, hope, productivity that feels good, and play. Just try it. Treat the present moment like it’s the key ingredient in what your future is going to look and feel like.
The fear of not being good enough will be less prevalent and less convincing when you understand that the destination is in each step.
The outcome is being born in each step. Yes, the future is listening.
Open up your journal or just grab any old piece of paper for this. Be honest and take your time as you answer these questions for yourself. Whether you’re healing from something or striving to meet a goal, use this time to give yourself a break.
You are so deserving of joy and fulfillment right in the middle of the journey.

Journal Prompts to Help You Honor Where You Are
1. Am I truly enjoying the chapter of my life that I’m in right now?
Followup: What’s keeping me from enjoying where I am?
2. Am I being compassionate with myself, just as I am, while moving toward what I want?
Variation: How can I respond to difficulties, hiccups, and confusion with compassion?
“Whatever is happening is the path to enlightenment.” – Pema Chödrön
3. What am I awake to, aware of in this moment that’s a gift?
Variation: What’s progressing that I can relax into and appreciate?
4. How do I want to feel today?
Followup: The way I want to feel more often, even every day, is…
5. This is how I can feel the way I want to feel more often:
Variation: What’s one small thing I could do to shift the energy of this chapter?
6. Am I open to influencing the outcome with a new attitude?
Followups: What attitude would I need to adopt in order to engage with my path and, ultimately, the outcome? What can I do to remind myself every single day, multiple times a day, that this new attitude is my choice and my intention?
Prepare yourself for an outcome that's greater than you could possibly imagine.
Grab your copy of my new book, Morning Affirmations, for deeper fulfillment right here and now — no waiting for the good stuff.
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Tell me:
Which of these questions/answers helped shift your perspective?
Tell me in the comments. I read every single one, and I’d love to know!
Only ever love,
P.S. Seriously, get yourself a copy of Morning Affirmations for in-the-moment, wherever-you-are fulfillment and inspiration!

Comments on this post (2)
Hi Mj – yes, I did write this for you. And you’re right on time, in the right place. Thanks for being here. xo ~jen
— Jennifer Williamson
I didn’t pay attention to when this was written. But you wrote it for me and for now. Today. Thank you for that.
— Mj